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Waiting for you online Chapter 15: My Wife is Here

May be the girls themself were too dirty minded, obviously the school idol said this sentence in a very serious tone, he did not even specifically say whom that sentence was for, but all of them had turned red-faced, their imagination running wild… At last, they could finally understand what kind of true ‘color’ this idol of theirs actually had. It’s a “crazy evil charm aura” which could cause instant nosebleed for girls. The girls hurriedly bowed their head and continued to eat, no longer dare to tease him. The rest of the meal passed very enjoyably, however when they received their bill, the total unexpectedly reached 1200 yuan. To make Qin Yu paid this much amount by himself somehow felt wrong, after all, it was the first time Qin Yu had agreed to go out with them, so they did not want to leave a bad impression. In the end, each of them decided to pay 100 yuan, while the remaining would be covered by Qin Yu. Qin Yu also had no objections, all of them were still students, he felt no

Waiting for you online Chapter 14: Who attacks who

Tong Xuan ignored He Jin, He Jin also couldn’t participate in the girl’s gossip, so his mind slowly began to wander and think about his own problems. He thought of his seemingly down-to-earth but boring college life these years. Not to mention a decent love, he did not even have friends he could talk about feelings with. He never played until late at night, nor went out and got drunk like others… He envied Hou Dongyan and his love for playing games, envied Zhao Xibai and his girlfriend’s bickering, also envied the youthful blood of the tennis club members , Shang and Qin Yu… Thinking of the imminent end of his own freedom, He Jin’s heart was filled with unwillingness and regret. Honestly, he still felt curious about the world outside, he wanted to take a break and explore it with his own eyes. But he knew, that woman would never agree, and he had no courage to die by the hand of his own mother. He Jin looked up at the vast blue sky in deep thought, as if he was looking at his future pa

Waiting for you online Chapter 13: Sounds Alike

There were a lot of cars at the university’s east gate. The girls stopped in front of a car and left first, before it was finally their (the boys’) turn. Zhao Xibai was the biggest among them, so he got the front seat. While He Jin, because of his thin stature, could only be squeezed in the middle of the back seat. That was fine, until he realized that they had hired a mad flying driver. So early in the morning, and yet he was driving the car like he had been injected by chicken blood, madly stepping on the throttle and braking all the time. Hejin’s body was being thrown to his left and right over and over again, colliding straight into Qin Yu and Shang’s body. [ T/N:  To inject chicken blood (打鸡血) = means someone who is so excited that it appears he/she has been injected by drugs.] The drive would take about half an hour. After 20 minutes, He Jin felt hungry and tried to eat a loaf of bread in the car, however, he ended up almost throwing up half his stomach’s content instead. His fac

Waiting for you online Chapter 12: Weekend Lake Tour

Listening to Tong Xuan talking about the Liaison Department, Guo You suddenly let out an “Ah” sound, and took a stack of tickets from her pocket. It was lake coupons given to her by the people from Liaison Department, and she had planned to go playing there together with her friends on the weekend. Now, she asked Tong Xuan to join her too. Tong Xuan: “Those people from the Liaison Department… I can’t even get them to let out some money.” Seeing the change in topic, He Jin hurriedly said back: “The lecture thing, I will prepare for it, but only for this once, if there is a next time I’ll…” His words hadn’t finished, Guo You already guaranteed repeatedly: “There will certainly be no next time! Senior ~ please! ” Tong Xuan also said: “It is my fault, I assured them that you will come… This time I owe you a favor. ” “You owe me a lot of favors, every time the student union has work, you always play the ‘ after graduating you will have a good resume ‘ card.” He Jin turned his body, intendin

Waiting for you online Chapter 11: Gossip post

Even if he did not sleep well the night before, in the morning He Jin still woke up on time. He Jin climbed up from his bed gloomily and went to wash his face before going to class. It might be because he thought about it too much last night, but right now He Jin’s brain was still filled with Fire-related things, especially his last sentence  “eight years, I have and will always wait for you online, Ah Jin “. Although it was only a text message, but somehow He Jin could imagine Fire saying it to him, the rhythm and tone of his voice.. over and over again it echoed magically in his mind. He Jin shivered and shook his head to empty his thought, forcing himself to concentrate on the lectures. However, a few minutes later… His smart bracelet projected a big square light curtain on the table, He Jin then unconsciously typed four words in the search engine bar box – Fire Ruthless. (= _ =) The search showed a large result, which surprised He Jin. One of the first result was a character encycl

Waiting for you online Chapter 10: Insomnia Night

He Jin shut down the computer. A look at the clock showed it was almost time to sleep. Junior dorm did not have the ‘turn off the lights’ rule, but he had always had a very regular schedule; every day around ten he would always go to bed. For this reason, Hou Dongyan often said that he lived like an old man, not a little college student. However, this night, He Jin couldn’t sleep, memory from the game kept on playing in his mind like a movie. Fire’s figure in the sky, Fire’s magnetic voice, Fire’s smile when he killed him, as well as the last sentence that he sent… He never thought that such dramatic things would happen to him. Eight years of waiting, even in reality, how many people could do it? Although the other guy’s behaviour aroused an inexplicable feeling inside hin, but to be treated like this, He Jin also couldn’t help but feel a bit moved… On the contrary, his own -turtle hiding in it’s shell- approach, really made He Jin wanted to spurn at himself. [ T/N:  turtle hiding in i

Waiting for you online Chapter 9: To Flee

Because he had not been playing for a long time, He Jin’s heart could not help but feel a little enchanted now. He was about to come down from the mount when Fire stopped him: “Wait.” Xiao Xian Jin: “ah?” Fire Ruthless: “You are leveling.” He Jin took a look and found out that it was true, he was only five or six hundred experiences away from level 30..  What was the realm for level 30? San Xian? Fire Ruthless: “After ‘Demon God’ revision, the spirit race in level 30 have two roads option to go. Once we do some more tasks and your experiences become full, remember to choose the second upgrade option later.” For it was an “expert” proposal, He Jin did not doubt him, not to mention he was also still feeling a trace of guilt for the other guy, so he answered “Okay”. After that they ran to Magpie Bridge. Magpie bridge was very long. He Jin stationed in front of Vega, while Fire stood in the distance in front of Cowboy. The distance between the two of them had exceeded the voice range featu

Scum Villain's Self saving system Chapter 95 part 6 Extra: Airplane’s Fortuitous Encounter

After the guards had been sent out of the underground ice fortress, it was empty of all demons. Mobei-Jun definitely thought he had obediently “gotten out” already and wouldn’t expect him to turn back, so by the time Shang Qinghua had returned to the hall in front of those sleeping chambers, he still had not been discovered. He stopped here and shimmied up that giant pillar which could be circled by three people into the ceiling beams, finding somewhere he definitely would not be seen by anyone to sit down. But, though he definitely couldn’t be seen by other people in this place, he also couldn’t see them! Mobei-Jun’s cold and placid voice sounded like he was forcibly stifling anger. He said, “What are you doing here.” An unfamiliar young man’s voice smiled, “My nephew is ascending to the throne, I came to ask for a cup of celebratory wine to drink. Is there something unacceptable about that?” Mobei-Jun didn’t respond. Humming once, he spoke after a long while. “What celebratory wine i