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Showing posts from September, 2020

Quickly wear the face of the devil Chapter 16

When compared with Zhou Yunsheng, Ning Wangshu’s whole body was stiff, ready to use his short legs to escape. But the other was careful to avoid him, just picked up the palette and brush from his side, then turned to paint, no other action. Ning Wangshu was quietly relieved, he stepped to the side of Zhou Yun Sheng, turned up his small head, and looked at the canvas with shiny eyes. Zhou Yun Sheng had completely lost sight of the little thing at his feet. He’d completely inherited Wei Xiyan’s fanatical love of painting, his brush was constantly moving. Wei Xi Yan was good at modern direct painting, which is drawing the outline directly on the canvas and then slowly coloring it. But Zhou Yunsheng was good at the more ancient transparent painting, which was painting in layers of pigments that are not white and diluted with a palette of oil. The next layer of paint must be painted after the previous layer dried. Your mind had to complete the whole picture before you even start. Because ea

Quickly wear the face of the devil Chapter 15

Ning Wangshu wanted to grab his father clothes, but Wang Ma glanced at him with insidious eyes. Scared stiff, he let Zhao Xinfang hug him. “This is your favorite purple potato rice paste, very sweet and fragrant.” Zhao Xinfang softly whispered, her attitude kind and patient. If Zhou Yun Sheng was not aware of her true face, he almost would have been deceived by her. Ning Si Nian and Zhao Xinfang meet in an orphanage. She was a volunteer, every weekend she would go to take care of children. Ning Si Nian saw her treat the children tender, considerate and patiently. That helped introduce the idea of marrying her. Right now, he was satisfied with the performance of Zhao Xinfang, his grim face was slightly warmed. Zhou Yunsheng picked at his rice, his line of sight only staring at the plate, he didn’t look elsewhere. Wang Ma finished the vegetables and cleaned the kitchen, laughing while wiping her hands she said, “Madam, I’ll come feed the baby, you look tired today.” Ning Wangshu’s face p

Quickly wear the face of the devil Chapter 14

Black Hearted Lotus When he woke up again, Zhou Yunsheng was standing in front of a canvas, holding a paint-stained brush, with a strong smell of poppy oil. He stood still for a moment before he began to observe the surrounding environment. This was a rather empty room, without any furniture, only four white walls and an open window. Outside the window was a lush green garden, there was a blue lake in the distance. The scenery was beautiful and fascinating. Except for Zhou Yunsheng, there was no one in the room. The AI’s screen flashed a lot of text, it was the data stolen from the main god of the owner and the world’s details. The body’s name was Wei Xiyan, 18 years old, currently studying in the Kyoto Academy of Fine Arts. When he was ten years old his parents died because of a car accident. He was adopted by friends of his parents, and moved to F country. The relationship between the couple was very deep, on the day of their silver wedding anniversary they decided to travel around t

Quickly wear the face of the devil Chapter 13

Zhou Yunsheng stayed by Du Xu Lang’s side until they grew old. The day after his death, he did not hesitate to leave the world. In the past, under the control of the villain system, he never got a chance to breathe, after he completed one task he was pushed straight into another. This time, he was free to control his own time. He stayed in the Xinghai space for a long time. He slept to rest his soul until the heartache of losing Du Xu Lang gradually faded with the passage of time. When he woke up, he began to fiddle with the AI on his wrist again. During the few times he had free will under the Lord God’s control he learned that the more difficult the task he completed, the more the power of his soul increased. At the same time, he’d become more closely linked to the world. The world and the host depended on each other, after the task is completed and the power of the soul was strengthened, the Lord God would absorb them and use their power to support its dimensional trap. The promise

Quickly wear the face of the devil Chapter 12

Du Xu Lang was one when his mother threw him at the door of an orphanage. He was still small, so his memory is limited, he did not even remember the woman’s looks. He did not know who his father was, the only thing the woman left him was a name and a black raven tattoo on his left shoulder. Later he found out that the raven was the symbol for J country’s largest underworld community, Du chaebol. The orphanage was not a good place. There was not enough food, but there was an increase in abandoned children. They often had to compete for cold bread, they even hurt each other for the privilege. From age one to age five, his body was always scarred, his stomach was always hungry, and his heart was always foggy. But in this dark place, there was a ray of sunshine shining on him, so he was able to support himself each day. The girl was named Ang, she was ten years older than him, and always gave him every means of care. If he was starving, she would leave him her last meal. Du Xu Lang didn’t

Quickly wear the face of the devil Chapter 11

Zhou’s Group eventually closed down, a huge commercial warship, standing for nearly a hundred years, in just two months turned to ashes. And the Jing Group took a bit hit, the stock fell, the commercial crime investigation section also started an investigation and the competitors launched an attack. All of this was enough to make Zhou Wenjing sore. Zhou Yunsheng was staring at the AI on his wrist, the progress bar had risen to 99%. Because the original fate of the world changed, it was out of the Lord God’s control, running on an unpredictable road. There was a 1% chance for the world to return to normal, but Zhou Yun Sheng didn’t care about this. He could choose how long he could stay in this world, so there was enough time to guarantee success. Half a month ago, CBS’s interview with Noah’s president was broadcasted on C country’s international news channel, and the true identity of the legendary figure was known to everyone. Yang family that almost suffered bankruptcy quickly joined

Quickly wear the face of the devil Chapter 10

Zhou Yunsheng was stepping out of the bath when suddenly a strong body held him from behind. A slightly rough big palm was wandering around his waist, slowly traveling down towards…… He moaned, and asked erratically, “You…sold the…shares….to him?” “Yup.” Hearing the panting man, he couldn’t wait attack to his lips. He sucked on his lover’s slender white neck, unable to stop. “Ah … …” Zhou Yunsheng moaned while he ridiculed, “Selling a pile of waste paper to your nephew, you’re a really upright uncle.” “It’s good for him. He’s been in the business so long, he needs to learn to face setbacks, or else he won’t be able to stand up when he faces a real attack.” Zhou Yun Sheng concentrated on enjoying the caresses, too busy to answer. As the protagonist of this world, Zhou Wenjing naturally experienced ups and downs, but in all them Du Xu Lang and his  harem  were there to help. Du Xu Lang could be said to have no principles, knowing that the front was a trap he happily watched him jump in,

Quickly wear the face of the devil Chapter 9

Zhou father’s funeral was very grand, very hasty, and after three days he was rushed to burial. The day after the funeral, the lawyer read his will, its contents shocked everyone. Zhou father left all the property under his name, including 30% of the shares of Zhou Group, to the youngest son Zhou Wenang. The eldest son and the second son did not get anything. Second son Zhou Wenjing was an illegitimate child, he had never been acknowledged by his father. Not inheriting anything was nothing strange. However, the eldest son also got nothing. Zhou mother had also given her legacy to the youngest son, the world had to sigh- this Zhou couple was really eccentric being so partial to their youngest child. What was Zhou Yunsheng supposed to do in the future? Did they not consider this problem? “Mr. Zhou, please sign.” The lawyers placed a thick stack of documents in front of Zhou Wenang and asked him to sign, the rest of the people could only stare drily. “This is not possible, Zhou Hao can’t

Waiting for You online Chapter 16: Take You to upgrade

Entering smoothly into the game, He Jin saw that his character was still standing on the colorful landscape of Choi Fung Island, the same one he was on before he went offline last time. He Jin looked around, and found there were some changes in the layout of his game. He remembered his character information on the upper left corner of the screen was originally pale blue in color, but now it had become silvery white, which flashing and darkening every now and then. His current level was also displayed on the top of his character’s icon- level 30 (Spirit Pet). …… Okay? What is this “spirit pet” thing? Right , He Jin thought,  I leveled up when we did the husband and wife task before, and then I followed Fire’s suggestion to choose something. ……  Is this a new change in the Spirit race after the game revision? He Jin moved his mouse pointer to the pale-blue icon, and saw his Tsing Yi image turned into an animal with ears, with a “switch shape” tips also surfaced at the same time. His curi