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Winter Begonia Chapter 5: A Hero saves a damsel in distress

Most of the people who had been fascinated by watching the show, were gone, only a few hardcore fans who were obsessed with Shang Xirui stayed.

The snack plates were scattered and the tea in the teapot started to cool. The hall looked very messy.

Fans are like Emperor Tan ming full of love while still hot but when cold, he abandons his Concubine in the Bai Hua pavilion.

Shang Xirui who acted as the cocunbine Yang Guifei did not care about his sorroundings. Even though no one listened, he continued to sing.

Just as he was about to play the scene of Yang Guifei drinking wine, a man wearing short clothes walking furiously, passed by Cheng Fengtai holding a pot of hot tea in his hands. The teapot was thrown onto the stage, the hot water inside the teapot splashed onto Shang Xirui's feet.

"Sing about your grandmother! Shameless person!"

Sheng Ziyun shouted from the second floor. "Xirui!!!"

Shang Xirui took a step back, glanced at the man but continued singing. The Huqin players continued to follow the singing of Shang Xirui.

This has become a rule on the stage, as long as Just er is still singing, the Huqin players will continue to follow. Even if he was stabbed and bled on stage, it had nothing to do with Huqin players.

Unable to stop Shang Xirui from singing, the man became even more angry. He wanted to jump on stage and beat him up.

Cheng Fengtai understood that this man was angry that Shang Xirui changed the original script and was determined to teach him a lesson. 

Shang Xirui is delicate and gentle looking like a woman. Even just being blown by the wind, he will waver. How could he possibily take a beating from this angry man. Won't it kill him?

With Cheng Fengtai's temperament, of course, he wouldn't just sit and watch. He ran and grabbed the angry man's shoulder pulling him back a few steps. "Don't get too excited. Why don't we talk nicely?"

The man's eyes were red. He pointed at Shang Xirui and shouted angrily "This bitch is ruining Yang Guifei!"

Cheng Fengtai often joked about the stupidity of old fashioned people. This time, he was witnessing it first hand.

Yang Guifei has since died and her bones have long rotted and turned to dust. Yet, even after hundreds of years, there are still people who stand up for here. If the concunbine knew, she would have been moved to tears.

Cheng Fengtai said with a smile "No! How can a drama ruin Yang Guifei. Obviously, the one who ruined her was her father"

Cheng Fengtai's mouth really had no limits. He dares to joke with people who are furious. Isn't that a provocation to fight?

The man raged. He shouted and threw a fist towards Cheng Fengtai. His fist collided with his cheek. The inside of his mouth hit his teeth causing blood to flow from the corner of his mouth down to his chin.

Cheng Fengtai is a business man who studies books and never learnt to fight. But he was quite nimble and vicious. He grabbed whatever his hands could reach and struck the angry man's nose. Blood immediately splattered, staining Cheng Fengtai's suit.

Some guards at the theater who saw that things were getting bad immediately ran in and dispersed everyone contributing to the commotion. They pulled Cheng Fengtai to the side and made him sit down.

Apparently, they just kept quiet and watched without doing anything. The reason was because the building manager instructed them to teach Shang Xirui a lesson so that he wouldn't go ahead and change the script.

Shang Xirui's problem of changing the original scripts often happens. People who watch always get angry and leave before the Opera is over. How much loss has been incurred by the building because of all the ticket money they had to return?

The manager himself wants to beat Shang Xirui up. But in this case, he used other people to teach Shang Xirui a lesson. Unexpectedly, Commander Cao's brother in law thwarted his plans. He was a hero saving the damsel in distress.

The manager ordered his men to bring the crowd that caused the commotion to the police station and personally apologized to Cheng Fengtai.

Cheng Fengtai placed a cold wet towel on his injured mouth and snickered at the manager. "You just came out now? Where have you been hiding? It turned out like this. What else do you want?"

The manager keeps nodding his head apologetically. Sheng Ziyun and Cha Chaer ran down. Cha Chaer hugged her brother's neck from behind, her cheeks pressed against Cheng Fengtai's hair.

Cheng Fengtai patted her hands, "Don't strangle brother"

Sheng Ziyun looked towards Cheng Fengtai but the latter didn't notice him.

He looked at the manager who said to Shang Xirui on stage. "Xirui! Xirui! Stop singing. Everybody's gone!"

On the one hand, he was dealing with Cheng Fengtai. On the other hand, music from Huqin and the Opera singers kept on playing. Feeling annoyed with this Yang Guifei, the manager turned around and hit the stage, "Shang Boss! Stop singing. All the audience are gone!"

Cheng Fengtai shouted angrily. "All the Audience is gone? Second Master is not an audience? Sing! Sing to the end or you will get hit by my fist"

One of his finger pointed at everyone. "Sit and listen till the end"

Under the threat of Cheng Fengtai, Sheng Ziyun, the manager and a small group of people remaining listened to Opera in a messy empty room. The athmosphere felt very awkward and strange. They were all discouraged tonight. 

Some people peeked from the back stage, some were standing with their arms folded, quietly watching Cheng Fengtai's face, they didn't dare to say anything more.

The only person who was free without burdens was Shang Xirui. 

Cheng Fengtai listened to Shang Xirui's singing but he still didn't understand the story. He only saw Shang Xirui.

Like a blazing fire, Shang Xirui still had the passion to sing. Cheng Fengtai doesn't know who he is singing to since no one is listening now.

At that time, Cheng Fengtai greatly appreciated Shang Xirui's Charming appearance. 

So this was Shang Xirui, the rumored Shang Xirui

Not surprising.

The performance was over. Shang Xirui paid his respects on stage. Cheng Fengtai clapped his hands and from what he often sees in the theater, he shouted in a loud voice, "Good!  Very Good!"


Backstage, Shang Xirui had removed his head dress but hadn't removed his make up. He sighed while holding Yang Guifei's costume. He has worn this costume often. At that moment, he does not feel hot but the costume is damaged because the tea stains are difficult to clean.

Shang Xirui didn't understand. He only added a few sentences he thought would be good but why were the Audience so angry? Shang Xirui felt he was treated unfairly.

Cheng Fengtai took off his suit stained with blood and draped it over his arm. He brought his sister back stage followed by Sheng Ziyun and the manager.

Seeing Cheng Fengtai, Shang Xirui put down his costume and stood up. The manager turned his hand towards Cheng Fengtai and said, "Shang Boss, this is Mr Cheng. Because both of them were quite famous people in Beiping, introducing them with their full names was not polite"

Shang Xirui smiled. "I know, isn't this the second Master Cheng Fengtai, Cheng Meixin's younger brother?"

His voice sounded different from when he was on stage earlier, hoarse and soft, like the voice of a weak patient who was almost dead.

Cheng Fengtai only knew Shang Xirui from gossip. His eyes looked at the long clothes worn by the other. He seemed to see the illusuion of a woman from ancient times. Very taboo, very mysterious.

Maybe he heard too much gossip because when he saw the real person, he felt very attracted to Shang Xirui.

"Just now, it must have surprised Shang Boss"

"Thank you for your help Second Master. I'm sorry for putting Second Master in harms way" Shang Xirui said with a smile.

Cheng Fengtai asked. "Shang Boss saw everything? I thought you kept singing because you didn't realize the situation around you"

Shang Xirui thought in his mind. He not only saw Cheng Fengtai fighting, he had also seen the Second Master eating watermelon seeds non stop as he talked all night. Then he noticed when he told the girl with him to throw something to him and in the end watched how he saved him from that crazy  man.

Suddenly, Shang Xirui frowned slightly. Today, his eyes continued to follow Cheng Fengtai. He had always looked at nothingness in the world while singing. Like when he stood on the tower at Pingyang city, he had the ability to ignore the weapons that shook the sky below. 

But what was happening today? Why does he keep seeing Cheng Meixin's younger brother?

Shang Xirui smiled again. "Ah...that's mind concentration. Something we have to learn.

Sheng Ziyun couldn't take it anymore. Ignoring Cheng Fengtai, he said. "I want to ask you something"

Taking him away from Cheng Fengtai, he held Shang Xirui's face and looked at the corner of his eyebrows anxiously, "Your fore head is bruised"

Shang Xirui let Sheng Ziyun hold his chin and smiled. "My make up  has not being erased. Where can you see my bruised fore head?"

"It's a bruise. This... I'm really sorry" Cheng Fengtai pushed Cha Chaer's back.

Cha Chaer stepped forward and said quietly. "Sister, I'm sorry that i hurt you, I didn't mean to do it"

Shang Xirui was a bit surprised to hear Cha Chaer's apology. He doesn't know how to explain that actually, he's a brother not a sister.

"Miss is too polite. It's fine. Xirui should be thankful for the gift from the lady"

Cha Chaer only looked at Shang Xirui and did not speak anymore. After chatting for a while, Cheng Fengtai said. "Boss Shang, after you have cleaned your make up. I will take you home, my car is waiting outside."

"Thank you, Second Master, don't bother. Unfortunately, today I have to pack my things and empty the room"

Cheng Fengtai asked in confusion,
"Empty the room? You have stopped singing?"

"Still singing, just not here. " Shang Xirui answered.

The manager was afraid Cheng Fengtai would misunderstand these words so he carefully asked,

"Shang Boss, why talk like that? Where do you want to go? Are we not taking care of Shang Boss?"

Shang Xirui looked at him and answered softly, "You take care of me very much, but i have to go."

The manager realized that his intentions of sending people to teach him a lesson tonight has already been known. But considering their long standing cooperation, Shang Xirui did not expose him to save his face.

He rushed to persuade Shang Xirui, asking someone to send some costumes and stage props to Shang Xirui, say a few sentences to justify the incident just now.

Shang Xirui only said, "You don't need to bother.  I deserve it but I want to ask about someone from you. The old man who played Huqin today, i really liked him"

The old man immediately said that as long as the old man agree, the Huibin building would give permission.

Shang Xirui turned to Cheng Fengtai and said with a smile. "Second Master must find it funny to see trivial matters like these back stage"

Cheng Fengtai smiled back. "Because it seems like Shang Boss is busy, i must excuse myself first"

Shang Xirui nodded, "You can't go home like that" he exclaimed. After that, a girl with large braids decorated with blue flowers ran close.

"Take out my best coat for Second Master"

Cheng Fengtai immediately retorted. It was not necessary. He was returning home by car and wouldn't catch a cold.

But in the blink of an eye, the coat was brought in. Shang Xirui unbottoned it and put the coat on Cheng Fengtai.

"The Second Master must be disgusted"

Cheng Fengtai's heart was moved, for some reason, Shang Xirui's sentence sounded like a romantic temptation in his ear. There have been many women who have attended to him since he was a child. But today, it is a blessing for him to be served by Yang Guifei.

After wearing the coat, he turned around. Shang Xirui tidied up his collar like a wife taking care of her husband in the morning
 Soft, gentle and shy.

Shang Xirui did not look at Cheng Fengtai but Cheng Fengtai continued to stare at him. On Shang Xirui's cheeks, there were two long narrow pink lines made of thick fragrant powder, nice eyebrows and curling eyelashes. Some pieces of shiny glass like gems were attached to his hair like clouds.

Actually, the make up is the same. It doesn't make Shang Xirui today more beautiful than yesterday.

Cheng Fengtai did not know how long he had looked at Shang Xirui. Why can't he take his eyes off him? He even felt Shang Xirui served him personally to seduce him.

It was a famous method in romance. Pretending to accidentally spill wine then come close to the person to tease. Even though Shang  Xirui may not be that kind of person, his every move looks very alluring.

In truth, Shang Xirui did not have the intention to seduce. He was only very grateful for Cheng Fengtai's kindness. He lent his coat to Cheng Fengtai because he felt guilty. There was absolutely no other intention.

Cheng Fengtai took his sister and bid his goodbyes. Sheng Ziyun still stayed because he was worried about Shang Xirui.

Before Cheng Fengtai left, at the door he turned back and said. "Mr Yun, let me take you home"

Sheng Ziyun panicked a bit, he took Shang Xirui's hand, said a few words then followed Cheng Fengtai. Sheng Ziyun got into the car and waited for Cheng Fengtai to start the conversation.

Since he knew Shang Xirui, he had unconsciously spent a lot of money on bouquet of flowers and gifts but none at Shang Xirui's request. He did so voluntarily. He felt that by doing all these, he could be closer to Shang Xirui but where can a student get such amounts of money and how does he report his expenses to his family in Shanghai?

Sheng Ziyun squeezed his hands and waited but Cheng Fengtai did not speak, he simply put his finger on his lips and smiled faintly. No one knew what he was thinking.

After arriving at the Cheng family's home, Cheng Fengtai led his sister out of the car and ordered the driver to take Sheng Ziyan back to the school dormitory.

Sheng Ziyun stretched his head, hesitated then pulled again until he couldn't stand it. He pulled his head out of the car window and asked. "Second Brother, why don't you ask me?"

Cheng Fengtai paused for a moment. "Ask you? Hmm...i forgot about that. We'll talk again."

Cheng Fengtai entered into the house  and saw the nanny laying Cha Chaer on the bed then he ate a few snacks in the outside hall.

He sneaked into the bedroom and discovered Second lady had not slept yet. She smoked her cigarette and stared coldly at the bruises in the corner of Cheng Fengtai's mouth.

A maid came in to take off Cheng Fentai's clothes. Second Lady saw the coat Cheng Fengtai wore and slammed the white copper pipe on the spitton creating a loud noise.

She said nothing and put new tobacco in her pipe. Cheng Fengtai touched the corner of his mouth and sent the maid away. Hello kicked off his shoes and climbed on to the bed, picked up a tobacco bag and laughed. "Second Lady is pregnant with a little girl. She should not smoke"

Cheng Fengtai thought he could persuade Second Lady with a few sentences. Who would have thought that this time, she only gave him a cold gaze, turned around and left him to sleep.

Cheng Fengtai knew immediately that someone had reported to Second Lady about what happened tonight. He pressed his face to Second Lady's body and tickled her feet. Finally, she got up, opened the blanket and sat down saying with a cold face. "Second Master has become a hero tonight. He still has spirit!"

Cheng Fengtai smiled. "I'm only a hero here with you. Where else?"

Second Lady snickered. "Don't talk anymore. I didn't know  Second Master could fight. Is it because of Shang Xirui? Do you think he has never seen men fight because of him? He has seen more than that but you got involved in it. If he doesn't know the name of Second Master Cheng Fengtai, he wouldn't even look at you even if your head is bleeding. You were hit while protecting him. Too meddlesome!"

When she had scolded Cheng Fengtai and felt calmer, the Second Lady felt she had interfered too much. Cheng Fengtai is a heroic character who can do whatever he wants.

With a sullen face, Second Lady took a step forward. "I really can't control you! Who am I? At that time, my father was willing to cross half of China, presenting many dowries so that I could be your wife. You're out of luck. Forced to cover your nose and marry me. Stupid village girl who doesn't deserve to be the Second Master's wife.

Cheng Fengtai became frustrated when he heard this old story again. Still smiling, he persuaded his wife to cover herself again with the blanket. Second Lady became sad, the tip of her eyes and nose slightly became red, her anger already gone.

"Why do you always bring up this matter again when you're angry? You married Cheng Fengtai. I always remember your kindness. Forget what happened tonight. It's because I'm impulsive. Don't listen to people and anyway, I don't really fight."

They did not speak again. Second Lady quietly shed tears, unsure whether it was due to Cheng Fengtai's gentleness or the anger in her chest.

The husband and wife lay together for a long time. Second Lady shifted and leaned her head on her husband's arm and whispered softly. "Cha Chaer is almost thirteen years old. She's a big girl. Don't take her out again."

Cheng Fengtai agreed and nodded.


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