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Winter Begonia Chapter 4: First Encounter

Aside from the gossips of rich women, Cheng Fengtai had actually dealt with Shang Xirui once.

One day, his cargo company had sent a pile of fine silk clothing from Jiangnan to Manchuria. A small portion of the silk clothes were taken to Beiping.

One day, the shipment arrived, the owner of the silk shop Mr Li, under the scorching sun personally came to the cargo company specifically to pick up some goods.

Cheng Fengtai asked the workers to prepare and unload the items. But Mr Li repeatedly waved his hand and said he would not take the others, he only wanted two pieces of clothes.

Cheng Fengtai said with a smile, "You can send your men to get it. You don't have to run under the sun just to get two clothes. Don't tell me these clothes are for Empress Xia?"

Mr Li wiped the sweat from his brow and shook his folding fan. "You're almost correct. These clothes are for Queen Wanrong"

Cheng Fengtai was very curious. He saw Mr Li asking people to take out the camphor box with a red seal on it. The big box only contained two sets of Hanfu, traditional clothing for women. Two seat towels and two handkerchiefs.

Mr Li put on his glasses, placed the Hanfu on the table one by one and carefully examined the seams while saying to the cargo worker from Hangzhou "I have to check it first, As usual if something is not good, I have to ask you to return it."

"I know, I know!" Said the cargo worker. "The girls in our embroidery shop were embroidering these clothes for nine months. Look Mr Li, all the gold threads are made with real gold. Not fake at all. Look at this peacock feather..."

Cheng Fengtai became even more curious. He looked at the clothes more closely. The clothes are very beautiful and luxurious. The bright golden phoenix is embroidered on red satin, the beads adorned with tassels seems to be genuine.

The Fan family can be considered the richest family beyond the standards of the rich in general. When he married Second Lady, he never wore Chinese clothes as fancy as this.

In another set of Hanfu, there are embroidered butterflies flying between the clouds of luck. The wings of the butterfly reflects the soft light of satin which makes the butterfly appear to come alive.

The lady who embroiders it must have put all the embroidery skills learned on her life, turning a piece of clothing into a delicate and beautiful painting.

Cheng Fengtai said with admiration, "Amazing! Did the Emperor buy these clothes for his mother?"

Mr Li laughed, "How is that possible! Second Master doesn't know? These clothes are stage costumes"

Cheng Fengtai said to himself; it's no wonder why the colors are very bright but he didn't know which famous actress wore such a beautiful costume.

"I have heard that there is a famous singer in Beiping who used to be in the Nanfu Troupe but now he has left the palace, is this for him? I heard he retired and stopped singing"

"No," said Mr Li. "The person that Second Master mentioned was Ning Juilang from the Opera group 'Lingyuan Shangsu' Mr Ning is the Queen mother's favorite. He is from the palace but his pockets are not as big as his name. Can you guess how much this costume costs?"

Cheng Fengtai shook his head. "Hmm....I think around 800 to 1000"

"1000 is only enough for the golden beads and thread" With an expression of pain, Mr Li showed his four fingers.

Cheng Fengtai widened his eyes in surprise. "Which kind of person is this that spends more money than me?"

"He is the new famous singer, Shangong Xirui. The second master also must know him"

Mr Li did not find anything wrong. He folded the costume and put it back in the box.

"Shang Xirui from Pingyang?"

"Hey, i know him!" Cheng Fengtai sighed, "in this world, for people who have worked hard, sometimes it's hard to eat. He is so rich just by singing"

Mr Li glanced at Cheng Fengtai. That should be something he would say. Why out of everyone in the world would Cheng Fengtai complain like this? Businessmen like Cheng Fengtai can always take advantage of situations, even now when the world is in chaos because of the fall of the Emperor.

Mr Li laughed. "Shang Xirui does not spend money else where. He's only willing to spend money on costumes. As long as the costume looks good, he will even spend money as deep as the ocean"


Cheng Fengtai was not aware he had actually met with Shang Xirui several times at Mahjong playing gatherings. But everyone knew of Cheng Meixin's hatred of Shang Xirui for seducing her husband. Cheng Fengtai who is like a bandit and Shang Xirui with his madness, if not careful, their meeting would not have a good ending.

So no one dared to let the two meet even if they happened to be in the same place. The two of them were deliberately separated.


The two met for the first time at the Huibin building. That night, Chang Fengtai brought Cha Chaer to meet two elderly men, his business partners. They ate, drank and gossiped. The two old men couldn't drink much so they finished their dinner earlier and suggested they continue the meeting at the theater.

Cheng Fengtai is not interested in theater. That is not his style. He prefers to play Mahjong or drink accompanied by beautiful women but he did not want to offend these two old men so he asked where they were going. The two old men seemed to have planned to go to the theater from the start. Together, they said the Huibing building.

"Tonight is the last night Boss Shang sings 'Drunken Cocunbine' we must not miss it"

The other old man said. "If i don't hear Shang Xirui's voice for three days, all the food tastes bitter in my mouth"

Cheng Fengtai took the old man's cane and smiled, "Well then, we will go to the theater"

Cha Chaer looked at her brother with big eyes as if asking where they were going but she still refused to talk.

In fact, since they came to Beiping to make connections, the Cheng family had held many gatherings and invited actresses but Cha Chaer had never seen a theater performance.

Cheng Fengtai patted Cha Chaer's back. "We're going to an interesting place"


The front of the Huibin building is filled with lanterns. Three Chinese characters 'Shang Xirui' is written on a large plaque next to the door.

The inside of the theater looks foggy because of cigarette smoke, waves of applause and shouts of excitement explodes from time to time.

Cheng Fengtai's driver Lao Get got out of the car and saw the 'Sold out' sign on the ticket box. He whispered to Cheng Fengtai "Second Master, there are actually extra tickets to watch Shang Xirui even though they cost 28 yuan each, but those extra tickets have also been sold out"

"Can we still get a ticket?" Cheng Fengtai asked.

"I can't get it the normal way." Lao Ge answered.

Cheng Fengtai looked at the two elders in his car then turned back to Lao Ge. "Go to the private box and ask one by one. As long as they are willing to give up their seats, money is not a problem"

Lao Ge talked with the ticket collector at the door. A moment later, he returned and said reluctantly. "I've asked a few people. No one wants to give up their private boxes"

Cheng Fengtai frowned. "No? Even if the price is negotiable?"

"Money is meaningless Second Master! The private box is occupied by Me He and Mr Li"

Actually, people who can afford to buy a private box in a Shang Xirui show must have a great financial status so there is absolutely no reason to sell a private box in the middle of the show for money.

Cheng Fengtai's caravans travelled from South to North. In China, there was no place his hands could not reach. Even under the Japanese watchful eyes, he has the the ability to go back and forth so he definitely cannot lose face.

One of the old men behind him patted his shoulders and smiled. "Ticket collectors won't sell you tickets? Maybe the Second Master needs to borrow Commander Cao's name"

Cheng Fengtai finally understood..these two old men really couldn't afford to buy a private box. They deliberately invited him to watch an opera today so Commander Cao's brother in law can use his influence.

It seems that Shang Xirui really did become popular with hard work. He was in this position now not because of money.

Cheng Fengtai as Commander Cao's brother in law borrowed the name of his brother in law and spoke to the theater manager. After showing his identity, he immediately got the private box specifically reserved for the Warlord if at any time he wanted to watch.

Some people sat in a private box on the second floor. Tea, melon seeds and candied fruits were provided for them at the table.

Cheng Fengtai saw Mr He and his family sitting in a private box opposite his own while Sheng Ziyun sat in the last seat"

Sheng Ziyun and Fourth Young Master He were classmates on campus. Perharps because he could not buy a ticket, he was allowed to watch in Mr He's box.

Sheng Ziyun still wore a black high collar school uniform. He sat up straight as if he was in class. It's just that the expression on his face was very blown away, his face focused on the stage.

As Fan Lian had said, Shen Ziyun fancies an opera performer. Cheng Fengtai looked at him with an unhappy face.

In the opening scene, Shang Xirui had not yet come out so the other performers on the stage start singing his dialogue when Cheng Fengtai breaks and chews the water melon seeds. He did not understand Chinese Opera and was not interested in understanding.

When his father was still alive, his family often went to a concert on weekends but before the lights are dimmed, he falls asleep. His mother's musical talent was not inherited by him at all.

But sometimes, Cheng Fengtai likes to listen to Chopin and Beethoven, he also invites the piano teacher for his younger sister not to make her good at playing but to imitate the way they lived by in Shanghai.

He still eats watermelon when he realizes the benefits. You can watch the performances on stage while eating off stage in a free and relaxed manner. Unlike Western Opera, there are some rules that must be followed when watching a performance.

The two old men were already drunk shaking their heads while closing their eyes and humming like a duet on and off with players on stage.

After finishing his watermelon seeds, Cheng Fengtai began to chew candied plums. He only talked with the two old men at dinner time and now, he was feeling hungry.

He snapped his fingers wanting to order a bowl of noodles. The servant boy bowed his head and seemed to have difficulty hearing. This made Cheng Fengtai tired to talk.

One of the old men who saw the boredom on Cheng Fengtai said with a smile. "Second Master, are you regretting following us to watch opera?"

Cheng Fengtai laughed. "To be honest, I don't really understand Chinese Opera"

The other old man said, "of course the Second Master is from Shanghai so he would prefer to watch the Shanghai opera or Yue Opera"

"I also don't watch that Opera" Cheng Fengtai said, "Because my father had studied abroad so since childhood, my siblings and I used to listen to Western music. I don't understand Chinese Opera music but the costumes and acting are very harmonious"

The old man touched his beard and smiled. "Second Master has understood half of it" he sighed. "The world has changed. The younger generation like you don't like listening to Opera anymore. There are no young in my house who wants to listen to Opera. They prefer watching shows that are not sung, what is that called?"

The other old man answered. "Drama if I'm not mistaken, they call it drama"

"Yes, drama, drama! They no longer love their ancestral heritage. They prefer to study Western culture, won't our culture eventually die?"

The two old men sighed for a moment as though they were very sad. After a while, the opening scene ended and Shang Xirui came out wearing a fancy costume, the jewelry on his head sparkled beautifully.

Cheng Fengtai saw him and said to himself. This is Shang Xirui? very colorful, looks rather thin

However, Cha Chaer was very excited, she held a cup of tea and looked at Shang Xirui with awe. She felt that Shang Xirui's big sparkling eyes looked very beautiful.

When Shang Xirui came out, everyone threw him money and valuables cheering non-stop. He had not started singing but people were already hysterical.

Cha Chaer who saw people cheering looked very eager. Cheng Fengtai smiled and searched his pocket but he didn't bring money. What thing other than money could he throw?
Watch? The watch will break if thrown. He removed the gold ring with an emerald inlay from his middle finger and gave it to Cha Chaer. 
"Come, Cha Chaer also three one"

Cha Chaer walked to the edge of the balcony and leaned forward. She pointed the ring at Shang Xirui but aimed too accurately. The ring struck Shang Xirui's brow bone making his head shake slightly, his eyes quickly glancing into Cheng Fengtai's private box.

Cheng Fengtai immediately felt uneasy, the gold ring hitting Shang Xirui's head will definitely cause bruises.

Cha Chaer panicked too. She ran back and hid behind her brother's arm. Instead, the two old men laughed, "Third Miss is very lucky. Her hands are small but it can aim precisely"

Cheng Fengtai felt confused. They said they were Shang Xirui's fans, yet why were they happy to see Shang Xirui get hit by the ring.

Cheng Fengtai remembered. This is Chinese Opera. Here, actors and prostitutes are almost viewed alike. They are not seen as human beings but as tools that can be bought with money.

The more Cheng Fengtai thought about this, the more he felt uneasy. At his home in Shanghai, his father taught him to say thank you, even to the maid who only delivered tea.

He patted Cha Chaer's back and told her to sit, "it's okay Cha Chaer, we didn't do it on purpose. After this, Gege will take you backstage to apologise"

The two old men understood Cheng Fengtai's motives and smiled secretly in their hearts saying. Fake apologies. Didn't the Second Master not like to see Opera performances?

Sheng Ziyun, apparently aware of the ring that hit Shang Xirui's face, stood up and looked at the culprit. Cheng Fengtai spoke with his head slightly tilted, his face not very clear.

Sheng Ziyun continued to glare fiercely at him. After Cheng Fengtai finished, he suddenly turned his head and caught Sheng Ziyun's gaze. Inevitably, Sheng Ziyun had to approach and greet him.

"Brother Cheng"

The two old men raised their glasses and asked. "Who is this?"

"He is the younger brother of my classmate, the sixth child of the Sheng family in Shanghai, Sheng Ziyun. He is now studying at Beiping University" Chang Fengtai introduced him.

Hearing the Sheng surname, the two old men greeted and praised Sheng Ziyun who was young and handsome. Sheng Ziyun replied to the greeting with a little embarrassment.

"Now it's time for the show to start. Mr Yun should return to his seat" Cheng Fengtai said with a smile.

As soon as Sheng Ziyun turned around, Cheng Fengtai grabbed his collar and dragged him down. He gritted his teeth and whispered, "Wait for me, I have something to ask you!"

Sheng Ziyun panicked a little.


Meanwhile, on the stage, Shang Xirui began to sing, his voice very bright and clear. Cheng Fengtai had watched 'Drunk Cocunbine' several times with other people but only understood two sentences.

"The ice wheel spins, sees the Jade rabbit, the jade rabbit ascending to the sky drifts away from the earth"

The rest Cheng Fengtai doesn't remember. Even though Cheng Fengtai didn't understand the meaning of the lyrics but listening to this beautiful voice, he unconsciously hummed. 

Then he realized the advantages of Chinese Opera complared to Western drama. Huqin has a sharp uplifting voice, even people who don't understand won't fall asleep because of it.

When the song was playing, suddenly there was a commotion in the audience seats. Many people got up from their seats angrily and walked out, while others shouted dissatisfied.

Cheng Fengtai felt confused, one of the old men next to him explained "Hey, Hey! What's happening? This is not 'Drunk Cocunbine'!"

The other old man shouted. "No more! No more! Let's get out of here!"

They said goodbye to Cheng Fengtai and agreed to meet again next time, their facial expressions looked very upset.

Cheng Fengtai sent them down laughing. "What is this? Why are you suddenly getting angry?"

One of them explained. "Shang Xirui is too presumptuous, just because his voice is good, he thinks he can change the script arbitrarily. He does not think of his fans and the audience who have bought tickets"

"At the early stage of his career, he had played it in Shanghai. When Shanghai people watched it,  they called it Demon Opera. But he was proud. The story of 'Drunk Cocunbine' is good yet he dares to change it. He is looking for death"

The audience who left the hall had the same opinion. They agreed and complained loudly.

Cheng Fengtai did not understand their comments so he politely escorted the old men to the car and returned to pick up Cha Chaer.


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