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Thousand Autumn's Chapter 67

"There is a road outside, if you leave with me, you will be able to go out."

"Sanlang!" Chen Gong looked at  Murong.

The latter was unwilling to gather the troops and return with Chen Gong.

Chen Gong’s said politely: “I’m grateful to the lord for returning. If the lord wants to show us the clear road, I would like to hand over the remaining treasures."

Yan Wushi said nothing, he turned and walked toward the road.

Murong turned to Chen Gong: "Master, is it okay to follow?"

Chen Gong nodded: "I will go ahead, you stay behind me."

Murong Yu: "Master!"

Chen Gong smiled a little: "Don't talk nonsense, keep up!"

Murong Yu and others were touched. Without saying anything, they strode behind.

Chen Gong knew that Murong and others, naturally wouldn't follow him  for no reason. A poor boy with no background, even if he becomes the most favored person, he can't make Murong the arrogant master be willing to kneel down to him. In fact, it could be seen as a mystery. Due to Chen Gong's high score and unforgettable character made him not have the opportunity to go with Zhu Yangce, and it was hard enough for him to gain his satisfaction and recognize him as a master with the potential to become a leader.

Further deeper, people like Murong, who came from the former royal family of the Yan State, had not learnt a martial art, and they had lost their power in the new dynasty. They did not inherit the throne, and the emperor would not give them too much power. The only thing they can choose to be a powerful eagle dog. Even the ordinary nobles of Qiguo can look down on them. In this case, Chen Gong gave them a new choice and conquered them with his own performance. They are naturally willing to change sides, going against the emperor and gaining new loyalty to Chen Gong.

Although Shen Qiao did not understand the details of the inside story, he was also considered to have lived a long time in the WTO. Under the influence of Yan Wushi, he knew more or less about the situation. Chen Gong was able to climb to a high position in a short period of time. The human heart is indeed very powerful. But as for Yan Wushi, even if he understands those people's minds, but because his temperament is born arrogant and arrogant, he may not be able to bend like Chen Gong.

They arrived at a passage that is completely cut out of the mountains. There are fires around Chen Gong. After lighting up, you could see the candlesticks placed on both sides of the road. However, because the entire ancient city collapsed, it may have caused partial collapse of the rocks. Some places in the middle were blocked by the boulder falling down, leaving only a narrow gap. After everyone had to remove the stones, they carefully squeezed between them.

Murong was not at ease: "Are we sure there no spider on this road?"

Murong said: "The spiders have a stale smell. We can't smell them here. This place should be without spiders."

Between the words, the front is split into two, and there are two roads.

Everyone stopped and they all looked at the back of Yan Wushi

The latter said: "Go left."

Murong was full of suspicion: "Are you sure! How do you know we have to go left?"

Yan Wushi: "I just walked over the right side and there were spiders."

Murong Xun: "Why should we believe you? And how did you come across the spiders?"

Yan Wushi no longer cared about him and continued to move forward.

Murong Yu held down Murong Xun and whispered: "He has Yu Rongrong."

Yes, Yu Yurong can solve the spider's toxins, and it should bring the spiders closer to his body. Murong Xun suddenly realized.

But in this case, they couldn't do anything without Yan Wushi? Isn’t it a conscience to discover this now?

The sect leader of a demonic clan has no conscience, so even Murong Xun does not believe him.

The passages were upwardly sloped, which means that they are going under the ground. They didn't say anything, and gradually believed Yan Wushi until they walked through another road and another fork road was formed.

This time there were three roads.

Yan Wushi stopped: "I just turned back when I came here."

It means that he does not know which road to choose next.

But everyone also undertood that when they first came in, they did not go through the normal path, so now it is equal to re-traveling the inner passage of the king city. These roads lead to all directions, which is equivalent to the Central Plains Palace. Different palaces also have access to Wangcheng. The road leading to Wangcheng is the real way out. If you choose the rest, you will take some detours. But they were afraid to encounter spiders and cockroaches.

Chen Gong asked Yan Wushi: "If it is you, which one would you choose?"

Yan Wushi did not speak.

He who had been silent suddenly opened his mouth: "If you don't know, just make a mark here and find one. It's all about luck. If you choose the wrong one, you can only blame yourself for having bad luck."

Chen Gong: "Alright."

He picked up a stone and made a few traces on the stone wall.

This action can't help but let Shen Qiao notice some more things

Although he knows that the other side now knows martial arts, but he has been busy fighting with the squadron, he has not had much time to really observe him. At present, his stroke is obviously filled with infuriating, white marks into the wall, and the fire is visible.

Marking the traces, Chen Gong said: "It is better to go to the middle first? Maybe this is the way outside."

Everyone naturally had no opinions.

Murong Xun saw Yan Wushi did not move so he could not help but ask: "Why don't you go?"

Yan Wushi: "This road, I have not passed through it so, i can not lead the way."

He spoke with a subtle sense of foreboding. Others did not notice it, but Shen Qiao noticed it.

Murong Xun sneered: "Who knows if you have really walked through this road, but don't want to go first. How will we know if you have not set up an ambush waiting for us halfway?"

If it was in the past and Murong Xun had a hundred courage, he may not have dared to speak to Yan Wushi. But people are like this. When you see someone who was once strong defeated and wearing desolate appearance, his position to others will plummet and they will think they can defeat him. This person becomes someone not worth mentioning.

Yan Wushi did not answer, because he attacked directly. Murong Xun stood next to him, the other side's movements were too fast, he couldn't even draw a sword, his neck was already twisted, and the whole person was pressed on the stone wall!

Murong slammed his hand towards Yan Wushi, but was swayed by a scabbard.

Shen Qiao faintly said: "We are not out of danger, why will you kill each other?"

Murong Xun grabbed Yan Wushi but he had not waited for him to raise his hand. He left him retreated to Shen Qiao

Chen Gong shouted: "Can't you stop!"

He said to Murong Xun: "The master did not leave and came back to us. And since he is willing to do so, we must thank him, so you must not be rude in the future."

In addition, he said: "I am paying for my sin against sect leader Shen. Since the middle road is my choice, let me go ahead!"

He went ahead carrying a torch of fire.

Although showing the courage of being the first to take the lead, Chen Gong stepped forward step by step and was very careful. If he was a little bit careless, he stopped to look for a long time.

But perhaps it was really a godsend, they actually gambled this time and went all the way unimpeded, until they reached a passage, through the king city and back to where they originally fell.

Looking for an exit from here may be difficult for ordinary people, but Chen Gong and others only need to sneak up on their temperament, then fix their with weapons on their bodies and climb up step by step.

At the moment when they saw the sky, everyone was almost slammed by the violent sun, but at the same time anyone who had been locked for three days in the underground would feel that the sun was too precious.

Shen Qiao blindfolded his eyes with a cloth towel, avoiding blindness caused by sudden and violent stimuli. After a while, when his eyes felt a little comfortable, he slowly removed the cloth towel. He found that there was Yan Wushi behind him, and the other’s cloth towel had long being discarded. He could only cover his eyes with his hands, and it felt addicting. It seemed like he was afraid that he will run. This action was inexplicably silly.

Chen Gong asked: "I don't know what to expect from Shen Master and the Sovereign Master. If we return to Qi State, we must go through Chang'an. I can send you a ride, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to expose the sovereign. ""

His trip was to open up the scorpion of Tai Ajian, and now he knows that the cymbal is with Yan Wushi, but he does not mention it. Obviously he has already remembered the content, but his remarks were only good for Shen Qiao. He expressed his generosity and was still telling him that he did not intend to disclose the whereabouts of Yan Wushi.

To Shen Qiao after being stuck with Chen Gong, on the third day, he realized that, nowadays, he can't be measured by the old him.

After seeing this, he didn't glance at Yan Wushi and just said "Thank you for your kindness. I have to go now. As for Master Yan, it is better for him to be with master Chen."

Yan Wushi: "I am following you."

Chen Gong didn't take a look at him: "Well, then don't overdo it, Qingshan doesn't change, green water flows, the world is not big or small, there is always a meeting day, I hope that when we meet next time, the sovereign lord would have recovered and Shen Daochang can also regain control of Xuandu Mountain."

if they want to leave Tuyuhun, they must follow the original road, go to the town to rest, buy horses, and then retreat to the Valley City, and then leave.

Watching the three people go, leaving a deep foot and a foot mark on the fine sand, followed by a gust of wind blowing, these marks disappeared without a trace, Shen Qiao turned back, to confront Yan Wushi: "Chen Gong is not a generous person. you put him in harms way and took his treasure. even if he can not go against you now, he will hate you in his heart, and later will bring you trouble."

Yan Wushi teacher decided to look at him, and suddenly he succumbed: "Beautiful brother, that is not what I took."

Shen Qiao nodded: "I know, it was the one before you...there is no Yan Wushi, but it is always on you, isn't it?"

Yan Wushi laughed: "Can you recognize us?"

Sinking for a moment: "If it were your other temperament, I am afraid that he will never go back."

Yan Wushi: "I am so happy, you didn't mistake me. I know that he left you. I was very anxious and tried my best to control his body and go back."

He took Shen Qiao's hand: "You don't have to be angry, okay?"

Shen Qiao long sighed: "The other doesn't do that, He can't say this to me. I just didn't think that he would have a kind temperament." 

You are coming, this is not possible."

Unexpectedly, there was a faint sorrow in the unsmiling smile: "No."

Shen Qiao: "What?"

Yan Wushi: "Nothing, when can we go back? Wait for them to go very far? I am hungry."


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