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Thousand Autumns Chapter 64

This pair of green and faint eyes, Shen Qiao had already seen it on the ape monkey. Now, it wasn't much of a surprise seeing such a pair of eyes. It only feels a bit strange. How was it that this closed ancient city ruins which appeared after so many years has so many apes?

How did they survive here for hundreds of years without eating or drinking?

Seeing Shen Qiao did not move, or show a little eager appearance, the eyes could not hold back, it flashed in the darkness, the green eyes disappeared, everything returned to darkness, and the bloody smell quickly faded away.

Vanished so easily?

The ladder was very long, and there were some patterns on the walls at both sides of the stairs. It could be seen that it was once a bustling city in the same year. After being annexed by Loulan, it disappeared from yhe history books. As for the countless gold and silver treasures, He didn't know whether it was swept by Loulan, or it was annihilated. In short, this was no long history.

He walked with Yan Wushi strapped on his back, and in the darkness, he quickened his pace but Yan Wushi's breath that could not be suppressed because of his injury was slightly heavy, and was still lingering in his ear, causing a slight heat. They explored the road. but this road seemed to never end.

Since they couldn't find a way out, it was better to stop and rest

No matter how far they went, they could not be able to leave anyway

There was a cold touch at the back of his neck, Yan Wushi touched him causing Shen Qiao to involuntarily regain strength

Being in this place will inevitably lead to a feeling of depression when the person stays here for a long time. Hence, the brain becomes dull and naturally it becomes easy to get dizzy.

Shen Qiao was busy thinking about the monkeys that he didn't pay attention to himself for a while.

“Thank you,” he said.

Yan Wushi did not answer.

Shen Qiao was also used to it. This person was experiencing so many things in his body. He couldn't control himself. He often switches between several identities. At the moment, he couldn't speak loud about this.

The two men walked for a while. Suddenly, Shen Qiao felt that the stones under his feet had disappeared. Instead, there was a flat land and the walls on both sides were gone. This situation was even more uncomfortable, because no one understood this empty space. How big is it, if there will be a trap.

A sword appeared to strike towards them and the blade of the cold water can not shine in the dark.

However, Shen Yu had been in the dark for a long time. He used to use his ears to listen to everything. His ears were extremely sharp. The tip of a sword was still one inch away from his eyes. He had already set off and flew back, and the cross sword came out. With a bang, the other party was invisible when it came to the forefront.

"Where is the jade? Answer me!"

Shen Qiao had not spoken yet, but the other party first asked him.

He was ridiculous: "Who are you?"

The other party heard his voice: "Shen Qiao?"

Shen Qiao: "Are you....?"

The other party: "I am Chu Ping, I came with the Master Chen" There were about a dozen people who came with Chen Gong. Except for Murong Yu, who knew them from the beginning, there was almost no communication between others and Shen Qiao.

Shen Qiao said: "What about Chen Gong?"

Chu Ping: "The Master is with others. only that the monsters like monkeys have taken away our two companions. I thought you were also... it was rude of me. Please forgive me!"

His looked horrified, and he was still gasping. It was obvious that he had gone through a fierce battle.

Shen Qiao: "is there still a trap here?"

Chu Ping: "No, this place should be a terrace, but there will be a corner in front, and the Lord is behind the corner."

Shen Qiao judged the direction according to Chu Ping's footsteps, followed him all the way, and after a moment, he heard someone in front of him: "Who is?"

Chu Ping: "It's me, master Murong's, I found them."

Murong’s voice was a little tight: “Come on!”

Chu Ping also sensed the tension: "What is it, is the monkey coming again?"

Murong did not speak, and then there was a bang in the darkness, as a fire appeared in his hand.

With the fire, Shen Qiao saw that there were other people standing next to Murong, but the number was significantly lesser than when they came in.

Chen Gong saw Shen Qiao, and his face showed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, you are fine."

Sinking: "What is going on?"

Chen Gong: "The wind blew away the original fine sand, revealing the deep pit below, which is connected to the ancient city, so we fell down, but the head here is very big. When we fell, the orientation was inconsistent, so it was lost. For a while."

Shen Qiao: "Where should we go now?"

Chen Gong heard the question and answer: "I just explored it. If my guess is correct, this place should be the original city Guojin, the chalcedony grows underground, we have to find the passage of the city to the underground and continue to go down"

Shen Qiao: "The city has been ravaged by the wind and sand. It has been buried for hundreds of years. Even if there is a passage, it would have already been blocked. Even if the dry food is exhausted, it may not be found."

Chen Gong: "You can rest assured that I have seen the rough terrain of Ruoqiang before coming. I don’t know where the passage is. The monks built an altar in the north of Wangcheng, the passage should be under the altar. Now we just have to find the altar in the north."

"There are some monsters here, you should have met them too. They are a kind of apes that live here all year round. They are sensitive and accustomed to dark environment. They are not inferior to the people in the rivers and lakes. Be careful, don't repeat the same mistakes. ”

This advice was not only for Shen Qiao, but also to those of his peers. It was true that a few people have been careless for some reason so all of them immediately stuck together, and Murong took the lead, showing the path with the fire.

There were so many people, everyone seemed to have a little dependence on each other, and it gave them peace of mind, especially when Shen Qiao joined them. They witnessed this person’s resistance in Douyan Mountain and Yushu. He did not fall to the wind. At this time, the death of Tuo Liangzhe had not been known by many people. When the news spread, he was afraid that no one would dare to look down on the matter.

The apes that were hidden in the darkness seem to dare not come out because they were afraid of them. They had gone all the way and walked for a long time. It was reasonable to say that even if they had not destroyed the country that year, as a small country, Wangcheng will naturally not be big. Where to go, this distance is enough for them to go north from the south of the city to the north.

However, although everyone had doubts, because of their different status, they dared not ask Chen Gong easily. Only Shen Qiao said: "How long will we have to go?"

Chen Gong was also somewhat uncertain. After all, what he got from the Qiguo Palace was the incomplete topographic map of the Han Dynasty: "We should be nearing there soon."

However, it was not long before the words were spoken. Someone in the same group suddenly screamed: "Six Lang is gone!"

Then there was another exclamation: "What is this!"

In order to save fire, only one of the group of people followed Murong. One could not wait for Murong to light the fire. He had already rushed out of his arms and wanted to light it up, but because he was too nervous, the fire fell directly to the ground.

Murong Yu walked quickly, as the fire fell to the ground, but there was a furry spider on the firefold that saw the party fall. It was grayish black, not counting the legs, but actually the size of the adult man’s slap. There are three white marks on the carapace, which looks like a person with its eyes closed. When the spider crawls up, the "eyes" will open again blinking.

No one had ever seen such a strange situation, and couldn't talk out of fear causing everyone to shudder coldly

Some people couldn't help but wave their sword in the air. A sword smashed the spider in half. However, in the blink of an eye, more spiders emerged from its belly and climbed up their feets

"Shiroro! This is six lang!"

Someone lit up a fire, and the fire shook in the distance. They saw a body falling off. The person was wearing the clothes they were familiar with, but his whole body had dried up and his skin was directly attached to his bones. It was horrifying.

"Don't let these things get close!" Murong screamed.

When he spoke, his sword had been raised and the spiders who tried to climb up on him and Chen Gong were killed on the spot.

But other people were not so lucky. The little spider climbs on them incredibly fast. He climbs up their trousers and their foot and when he sees a gap, drills into it. Once it touches the person's warm skin, it would inject venom. The feeling is so numb that he won't even notice it.

In a twinkling of an eye, two or three people fell down. So these people could only work harder and harder. They circled around Chen Gong to protect him. But more fell. When others saw this they tried to ignore it slashing their weapons at the spiders, but the spiders were too small, and some did not know where they came from because of the darkness. Tension rose as they cut a few big ones,but even then, more still appeared seeming inexhaustible and impossible to get rid of.

As for Shen Qiao, using his sorrowful sword, not a single spider could ger close, as he guarded Yan Wushi behind him. A white array surrounded both of them, glittering the dark, it was shining

The spiders were bullied and afraid to proceed, and since they couldn't see Shen Qiao and Yan Wushi, they turn their heads and rush to others.

Chen Gong was angered and reprimanded his men: "Don't just stand there! stab its belly, set fire directly with fire!"

He did not idle himself. He held the sword with one hand and swayed the fire to the ground. The spider was afraid of the fire so he did not dare to go forward. He took the opportunity to burn a part of it, but the fire was limited. However, several od Chen Gong’s men have already died so he has to directly order everyone “Run ahead!”

However, at this time, everyone only felt a cool breeze behind them, and they still had a reaction. some people turned and when they saw what was behind them, they screamed and ran forward.

"It's a demon monkey! Those demon monkeys are coming again!" someone shouted in horror.

There was a tiger in front of the wolf, and I couldn’t run without it. Everyone was in fear, and the subconsciously went to Murong and Shen’s side because the two had the strongest strength in the team, they were still very capable and unscathed.

However, Shen Qiao himself didn't actually find things easy. Two apes were rushing towards him at the same time and He has to also deal with the spiders in front of him while protecting Yan Wushi

Those apes like Chen Gong said have stayed in the dark for a long time and so, developed the ability of night vision, they were like hunters in the dark, cold eyes watching everyone under the siege of the spiders, waiting for the best time to attack.

The sound of someone screaming loudly was heard, but many people found that a sword clearly stabbed and penetrated the ape, but it was either not under the skin.

Hard as iron skin was blocked by the hard shell. Now, they not only have to worry about the blood-sucking spiders, but also to deal with the endless apes, completely exhausted them. very soon Their bodies would break down.

The nails of those apes seemed to have some kind of toxins, and the wounds they inflicted on people were beginning to feel hot and painful.

"These apes and spiders are natural enemies. When the apes appear, the spiders suddenly vanish."

Yan Wushi suddenly said, his voice was hoarse and weak, and there was no arrogance in it like in the past, but there was always a kind of power he posessed that made people not help but concentrate on listening.

Everyone who heard this sentence caught a glimpse. In the gap with the apes, many people looked at the ground, and they saw that the spiders that showed the discoloration disappeared.

Without the spider's they could at least relax and everyone's spirit suddenly began to vibrate. For a moment, their sword was swept away, and the apes were forced to retreat.But the good times did not last long, accompanied by a long humming sound in the darkness, of a woman crying. The aggression of the apes violently rose, and a fight began

Shen Qiao turned to Yan Wushi: "There must be the reason why the leader of the ape is ordering an attack on us. You go to Murong to hide. I am going to find the leader so I may not be able to take care of you for a while"

There was nothing much to say and nothing extra to do. The two of them were not friends so of course, they couldn't talk about the enemy at present. In terms of the current identities, they were different from the original but they were equally cool. 

After he ensured that Yan Wushi would not discovered by the apes. Shen Qiao jumped up to the wall and used his prominent cracks as a foothold to rise and fall. The source of the woman screaming soon disappeared into the darkness.

Shen Qiao's robe fluttered, his foot was dust-free, and the sword he held in one hand change to the environment under the broad daylight. He didn't want to use a lot of immortal styles, which will attract countless attentions.fortunately, everyone here was preoccupied. With Yan Wushi safely hidden away His disappearing figure looked deep into the eye. He did not care to tell Chen Gong and Murong Yu his plans but instead circumvented everyone and walked deeper into the darkness.

No one noticed his disappearance. He closed his eyes and searched for the presence of the ape's leader. But the other party made no sound since he called it out so he could only explore the environment with his impression.

Shen Qiao held his breath, blending himself with the wreckage behind him, and feeling the infinite silence and unknownness brought by the darkness.

Suddenly, the cry sounded again!

The sorrow in that cry was long, and then sharpened, as a horn exploded as the signal, the retreating apes once again madly attacked Chen Gong and other people.

It's now! Hey -!

The phoenix chicks are clear in the general, the mountains and rivers are with the sad sword!

Shen Qiao stood at the tip of his toes, his whole body leaped into the darkness.

He sensed movements in the darkness, it was very quick. Bringing out Jianguang, he almost wraps the whole person into it, a white light it shined and the person screaming at the sound!

He looked and saw the ape. It was not a dead thing, and naturally was very dangerous. However, as a leader of the apes, it was a king in the ruins of this ancient city. It has stayed here a long time since the wind and rain, and when he saw that some people dared to challenge their territory, his reaction was not to turn around and escape, but to fight.

Under the light of Jianguang, Shen Qiao discovered that the ape looked quite human. Unlike other apes, it looked even more strange. Those pair of green eyes on his face stared at Shen Qiao and a weird smell filled the air! Suddenly, he remembered what the strange smell was. It was the smell the spiders emited after they died. These monkeys had lived for so long under the ground, and there was no other source of food. The spiders were their source of food so over time, they became the natural enemies of the spiders, so when they appear, the spiders will run away.

But now suddenly there were so many people and in the eyes of the monkeys, they were equal to a pile of food, so they were naturally attracted and chased after them

The ape did not know that the sword is so powerful. He had a fur that is comparable to the wall of the copper wall so he was fearless.

But the two meet each other in a narrow way. He was really sturdy and wrapped in Jianguang which directly broke the fur skin of the monkey's chest, and the tip of the sword pierces an inch into it's chest.

The ape monkey leader was surprised and annoyed, and immediately screamed sharply. The apes that had been around Chen Gong and others had heard the sounds of and they jumped from the walls all around aiming towards Shen Qiao.

These apes were not only strong in attack, but also strong in shape, and its fur was hard as iron so ordinary weapons couldn't pierce through them. If it was one, he would have is no fear, but there were dozens of them coming together. He wasn't afraid he wouldn't be able to deal with them at once

He immediately took his sword and then withdrew, but the ape's leader was injured by him and would not let him off so easily. not only did he pounce on Shen Qiao, but he also commanded the rest of the monkeys to attack him.

Murong saw that the apes had been distracted by the Shen Qiao so he quickly said to Chen Gongdao: "Master, let us go!"

Chen Gong said: "No, help him!"

Murong Yu is a bit surprised: "Master?"

Chen Gong frowned

"We have lost a lot of people, and the help of Shen is very important. So we must help!"

He said and first jumped up with his sword.

Murong Yu and others couldn't help but grit their teeth and keep up with him

However, the ape monkey leader hated Shen Qiao for hurting him so he wanted to tear him into pieces. Other apes were unwilling to fight with Chen Gong and others because of the pressure of the leader. They were eager to go to attack Shen Qiao. But the addition of Chen Gong and others made them even more mad and impatient, as if they did not fear death. Even Chen Gong did not pay attention, and his arms were cut open to reveal his bone.

Murong Yu panicked: "Master!"

He was busy giving Chen Gong medicine, while the others took the chance to retreat.

Shen Qiao haf nothing to do with them, even if he is trapped by the leader of the apes, it was a good thing because he just lifted their crisis.

Murong whispered to Chen Gong: "Master, it's not too late. We shouldn't wait for these demon monkeys to kill Shen Qiao before they return and deal with us, it will be bad so we have to hurry!"

Chen Gong was silent for a moment and finally said with hesitation "Withdraw!"

Before leaving, he turned his head and looked back. He heard the screaming of the apes, and swords clashing but they seemed to be isolated and helpless. He didn't know how long this would last.

Chen Gong took back his sight and, along with Murong, left.

Shen Qiao had killing two apes, but gradually felt weak.After all, his skill has not yet fully returned, not to mention the fact that these apes are as crazy as they are, regardless of their ignorance, and as his sword sinks in the chest of one of the apes. the blood of the other side splattered on his face, and the suffocating smell made him want to vomit so he could not help but pause a little.

While other apes were attacking Shen Qiao, the ape's leader who has been standing still, waiting for an opportunity finally grabbed him

Shen Yu was directly hugged by it, and he could not get rid of it. His whole person could not help but fall backwards. He stepped on the air and fell into a deep pit.

At this moment, the ape monkey leader loosened him, and with other apes pushed Shen Qiao into the deep pit, then shouted loudly, as if celebrating his victory!

His sword carried the weight of Shen Qiao, almost sparking a light on the wall of the pit, but Shen Qiao still couldn't stop himself from falling. It is like a real abyss. He didn't know when he would reach ground. Every wound in his body was hurting. At this time, he only felt hot and uncomfortable.

Shen Qiao looked down and noticed there was a faint red light below. He didn't know what it was.

His arm has completely gone numb. His sword fell through the narrow wall, and his whole person fell down!

But this feeling of falling has just happened, when his other arm was firmly grasped!

Shen Qiao looked up, but he saw Yan Wushi appearing from who knows where In order to catch Shen Qiao. He held his whole body in his arms and yelled.



Thousand Autumns Chapters


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