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Thousand Autumns Chapter 60

Shen Qiao quickly came over and opened the door. When he saw her, he laughed and said, "You are back."

He drifted sideways for her to enter but Bana didn't go in. She only probed at the door for fear of seeing the crazy man from yesterday.

But the man just sat on the bed and looked at her quietly. His look was harmless, not as violent as yesterday.

Banna asked "Has he recovered completely?"

Shen Xiao smiled and shook his head: "I am afraid it's worse."

Banna screamed and became more hesitant and afraid to enter the room.

Shen Qiao didn't know how to explain the complicated situation to her so he could only say a few words: "He has been injured in his brain. Sometimes he is awake and sometimes, he is not awake. When he is not awake, he is mostly calm"

"Is he sober now?" Banna looked curiously at Yan Wushi. He also looked back at her, his eyes were dark and waveless, making her inexplicably chilly.

She Qiao answered: " For now, he's not awake."

After hearing that, Banna was still afraid: "Can he still strangle my neck?"

Shen Qiao smiled "He won't be able to. He is just like a child right now. He can't even speak. Last time i was negligent, this time, i won't let him hurt you again."

Banna heard him being emotional towards her for the first time, and she felt warm inside as she noticed that YanWushi actually blinked at her.

Banna: "..."

Yan Wushi: "..."

Banna thought for a moment, put the lamb in her hand down then drove the lamb towards Yan Wushi and smiled: "Would you like the lamb to stay with him? It might help. All the children in the village like the lamb."

The little lamb was white and innocent, and when one looked at it, they couldn’t help but carry it in their arms. Even Shen Qiao felt it was cute.

He looked at Yan Wushi but he frowned. He watched as the lamb who was walking unsteadily came toward him. He looked down as it sniffed his clothes then suddenly reached out and pushed the lamb to the side.

The little lamb snorted and fell to the ground.

Banna forgot her fear of Yan Wushi as she rushed forward to pick up the lamb.

Shen Qiao also frowned and looked the latter but the latter simply returned his look with innocent eyes.

"Banna, it's okay. You can leave now"

After the episode with Yan Wushi, Banna apparently still had a lingering fear of him so she nodded without saying a word and walked away with the little lamb obediently.

Shen Qiao stared angrily at Yan Wushi "Why did you push that lamb away?"

The other did not answer and just looked at him.

But Shen Qiao has a vague understanding of what was happening with Yan Wushi. No matter whether one's temperament changes or the memory becomes inconspicuous, there are always some essential things that will not change, those habits that are deeply rooted in the bones. Yan Wushi has always been a suspicious person, even if he may only have sporadic memories at the moment, this side of him will never change. .

Shen Qiao  said: "You... stick out your hand, let me check your pulse."

Yan Wushi reached out his hand.

This new personality had a stark contrast to the attitude showcased by his normal self and Shen Qiao knew that he could only freely touch him because the instinct of the other party somehow knew that Shen Yu would never hurt him. Sinking three fingers on the other's wrist, he asked "Can you move your hands and feet now, can you walk?"

Yan Wushi murmured: "Yes.. dizzy..."

Shen Yan asked tentatively: "You told me this morning that it was too late to return to Changan. Do you remember when you said this to me?"

Yan Wushi turned to stare blankly into his eyes.

Shen couldn't help but sigh.

"Maybe if you lie down and rest some more, when you wake up, you can might be able to return to normal?"

Even if it was frustrating for him, it was better not to ask him any more questions.

But Yan Wushi said: "I don't want to."

This meant he didn't want to sleep.

If it was an ordinary child, there were always various ways to make the other obedient, but this person is not a child, so Shen Qiao was lost for words unable to say anything else.

While the two men were staring at  each other, there was a knock on the door.

Still feeling stunned, Shen Qiao released a breath and got up to open the door.

Outside, Banna stood in front of the door.

She had prepared oil cake and brought it together with mutton soup.

The two spoke just two words. Shen Qiao thanked her, and waited for her to leave before closing the door and returning to the room.

Shen Qiao put the mutton soup and oil cake in front of Yan Wushi then said "You're hungry aren't you...go ahead and eat."

Yan Wushi took a look at him and quickly lowered his head then he whispered a word: "Feed me."

Shen Qiao: "..."

He didn't wait for a half-hearted reply as he looked up and said, "it was the same as last time when i was poi..."

If he stuns people like he did just now, what would happen when the other party wakes up and changes back to his normal temperament? Shen Yan thought about this very seriously.

Yan Wushi seemed to be aware of the danger. He hadn't completed the word "poi" when his whole body directly shrunk to the corner of the bed.

Shen Qiao sighed again and pushed the mutton soup towards him. He picked up the oil cake, tore a small piece and put it in his mouth chewing it slowly.

Yan Wushi moved back from the corner of the bed and reached for the soup bowl.

His meridians were damaged and his body were also injured. When he held the bowl, his hand still trembled but it was obviously better than how he was when he first woke up.

Seeing him bow his head, Yan Wushi still didn't drink the soup. Shen Qiao's heart was moved so he suddenly asked: "You are only doing this because you do not trust that the broth isn't poisoned, in that case, let me feed you"

Like this, the broth even if it was poisonous, he would be the first to die from it.

Yan Wushi did not answer but his silence was actually an answer.

Shen Qiao should have felt angry, but he calmly said: "I don't know how much you still remember, even if I said that i didn't hurt you, maybe you won't believe it. But Fana and her grandfather are good people. This past few days, we have been living in their house. So as not to hurt their feelings, you have to accept their kindness."

Seeing that Yan Wushi was still silent, he didn’t know what else to say, so he had to keep quiet as well.

In the past, he thought that people could still change but he realized that no matter what the other party becomes, he would always remain himself.The two were sitting at the bed and at the table respectively, not far apart, but they didn't interact.

To be exact, Shen Qiao looked down and ate, but he was still looking at Yan Wushi with the corner of his eyes.

After a long while, Yan Wushi finally said: "Beautiful brother..."

When Shen Qiao heard this title, he felt chilly. He was about to correct him when he heard movements a few distance away.

He listened for a moment then got up and walked out, not forgetting to turn back and tell Yan Wushi: "You stay here, don't go out."

Banna also heard the movement. she did not suspect anything and simply thought her grandfather had returned. Feeling cheerful, she ran out to see.

As she opened the courtyard door, she saw a group of people rushing over from every corner, smoke filling the air.

She didn't see her grandfather at all.

When she was reminded of the two men still living here, she suspected that these strange people were coming after them. She had to close the door and run quickly to inform Shen Qiao.

But the opponent's movements were faster than hers as she made a few steps to open the front door. The movements were all in one go so there was no time for her to react.

Banna screamed as she was pushed back by the other slamming the door. She stumbled back and fell towards the ground.

But her receding body was held by a hand at her waist, stopping her fall in time.

After Shen Qiao helped her stand up, she let go of his hand and faced the intruder "Who are you?"

The person got off his horse, stepped forward, pulled off the hooded headscarf, and bowed to Banna "That was rude of me. I caused the little lady to be shocked. I came here to find Shen Qiao. I thought he was in the inn. Don't worry, I'm not here to trouble you"

Banna was stunned. This person was very polite, and his smile was filled with confidence. He was known to be someone with an upper position. He was no longer the Chen Gong of the past who had a rough temperament. He was now someone think skinned.

Shen Qiao looked at the people who followed Chen Gong. There were still familiar faces here. Shen Qiao recognized a few of them. There was the masters of six harmonies. There was the head of the Qiguo Murong family. Time passed and the master of the Qi State Court in the blink of an eye became one of Chen Gong’s men. He couldn't help but feel the hands of fate.

The indulgent look from Murong Yu, Tuo Liang Liangzhe and others pierced through him. Looking at Chen Gong, Shen Qiao said: "This is a remote place, How where you able to find my whereabouts?"

Chen Gong looked at Banna and smiled. "I met an old man who happened to be the grandfather of this little lady"

It was awkward, but it was very clear what he was saying. Shen Qiao's face slightly changed: “Why didn't you directly come to find me? why bother an innocent man!”

Chen Gong flinched under his tone and said: "Don't be nervous. I just wanted to find out about your whereabouts from his mouth and now I have got it. Naturally, I won't hurt him. It's cold outside and it's not good to talk here. Why don't you ask me to enter and sit down?"

After Banna heard that her grandfather had been arrested, she was already weak. She whispered silently for a moment: "Please come in"

Murong Yu and others wanted to follow, but Chen Gong stopped them "Shen Qiao is a gentleman. He will not do anything to hurt me so you will wait outside."

Comparing who he was now as the first master of the Tang Dynasty to the arrogant boy he met that night at the Izumo-ji Temple. Shen Qiao saw he was like a cat towards a mouse, giving commands without saying much. Chen Gongyi cupped his hand leaving the others who were well armed outside.

Chen Gong followed him into the house. He stared at the back of Shen Qiao and snorted. "Why did you refuse to see the lord?"

The other party wanted to ask a lot of questions but Shen Qiao did not answer. When he had settled on a seat, he asked: "What are you doing about the refugees?"

Chen Gong smiled and said: "Why are you concerned with that? You should still be concerned about me. you think I'm a human beast so Shen Daochang does not want to face me."

Shen Yu faintly said: "it's not in my place to tell you what to do but if Chen Gong will be merciful to bring those people inside, I will be grateful.”

Chen Gong: "There is no problem with that. They will be brought inside sooner or later. Don't worry"

They Indulged in empty words.

Chen Gong did not care about Shen Qiao's coldness. He paused and said: "I have something I want to do. For that, I will need the help of Shen Daochang."

He turned his head: "There are rumors outside that Yan Wushi is dead. I never imagined that he is still alive, and was saved by you. As far as I know, Yan Wushi was not good to you, but you still mantain your morality, regardless of the is admirable

"Not your business"

Shen Qiao was not the kind of person who likes to satirize others. At that time, Chen Gong was embarrassed by the old man so he was already angry and couldn't help but reply: "There are many people who will be enemies in this world, how can you be merciful?"

Chen Gong’s face changed slightly, and he immediately smiled without a word: “I haven’t seen you for a long time, and Shen Daochang has now become a sharp-eyed person. But if those who killed Yan Wushi know that he is still alive, how will they react? The martial arts of Shen Daochang is superb, but you can't cope when they gang up against you. can you cope with Guangling San and Duan Wenxuan? Not to mention the old monk of Xueting?"

Shen Yu: "is this how you want my cooperation? By telling me these words?"

Chen Gong: "Calchedony. Has Shen Dachang heard of it?"

Shen Qiao thought twice, it sounds like a name but he was unfamiliar with it so he shook his head.

Chen Gong said "The "Han Shu Western Biography" came from a place called Yangguan but this small country was later destroyed by Shanshan."

A person who didn’t even know history or characters in the past year could now talk, laugh and take up the "Han Shu". 

Shen Qiao did not speak, but waited for him to continue.

Chen Gong: " I have found information about this piece of jade being located there. Although it has been destroyed, the ancient city site is still there and I am looking for this Calchedony. Your skill will be of great help. There is another thing there called Yu Yurong. This thing can be connected to the bone and muscle, which has a miraculous effect on internal injuries. I think Master Yan will need it."

After he said that, he stopped talking and waited for his reaction.

The inner room was quiet, only the eyes of the Banna were red, as she cried from time to time.

After being silent for a long while, Shen Qiao said: "You are afraid that I will refuse, so in case I do, you will have already hidden the grandfather of Banna somewhere else."

Chen Gong calmly said: "Yes that's right but I don't know why you saved Yan Wushi. He was terrible to you. I can't guarantee why you are willing to take risks for him, but I know that you will not sit by and watch innocent people get hurt because of you."

Shen Qiao said: "Thank you for knowing me like this."

Chen Gong: "So, does Shen Daochang agree?"

Shen Qiao: "Do I have any other choice?"

Chen Gongyi smiled: "There is no problem. You can rest assured that the old man is fine. When you return, I will let him go."

Sinking: "You let him go now and I will do as you say."

Chen Gong smiled and shook his head: "That's impossible. Why should Shen Dachang say this? You can trust me. Ah, yes, considering that the body of Master Yan may not be good, I have already ordered enough food and medicine for him, so you can rest assured that he will be taken care of"

This is a temptation, because he suspected Chen Gong might be laying a trap with the top five masters especially since he knew it was hard for him to return to the same skill as before.

However, he was undecided and did not accept this as an option. He only had to say: "If there is no problem, I will leave early tomorrow. I will go to rest and come to you tomorrow. You have to rest well. There is a long way to go from here. You have to recuperate and save your energy."

After that, Chen Gong got up and left.

"Sheng Qiao..." Banna looked helpless.

Shen Qiao finally smiled: "I don't know how to apologize to you. This is because of me. I will come back soon so that your grandfather can return safely."

He took out the little money left on his body: "Hold these just in case you need it"

Banna shook her head: "I don't want it."

Sinking softly: "Be obedient, you stay at home and don't go anywhere. I will bring back your grandfather."

Almost no one could resist when someone kept persisting and the heart of Banna was originally stirred by Shen Qiao. At this time, she gradually calmed down. She did not complain that Shen Qiao brought trouble for her family. Despite her understanding, Shen Qiao knew it must be a hundred times more difficult than her to adjust.

She nodded. "You... be careful."

Shen Qiao smiled at her and said only four words: "I will be fine." 

Murong Yi did not know what happened between Chen Gong and Shen Qiao because they took up residence in a relatively comfortable house in the village. The original owner had to be rushed to someone else’s house to stay, and the people in the village avoided this group of strange people. Fortunately, Chen Gong was not interested in staying here for a long time. On the early morning of the next day, Murong Yu was ordered to come knocking at Shen Qiao's door.

After knocking three times, the door opened from the inside, and Shen Qiao walked out with Yan Wushi.

The latter did not move for a long time since his hands and feet were somewhat stiff, and his internal injuries were serious. Every step he took would affect his injury, so it was very slow. 

That night at Izumo-ji Temple when Yan Wushi descended from the sky, he completely destroyed them.  Murong and others were also humiliated by his poisonous tongue. While the other was defeated by Kunye and fell at Pingyang. His face was pale and seriously ill so for Murong Yu, It was hard to avoid a sneer: "The lord must remember the old man of the Izumo Temple. You look so good"

At the moment, Yan Wushi was no longer strong and the various forces want to kill him so Murong did not put him in his eyes.

There was no expression on the latter, and his eyes were as if they have just been soaked in well water, and his icy glare went straight into the bone marrow.

Somehow, staring at such a pair of eyes, Murong Yu's face became even more ugly, and he couldn't say anything.

Chen Gong came over and was followed by many people.

He was now very arrogant. Before, he had been a helpless teenager who was crushed by his parents and was forced to leave home. But now, as his status changed, his temperament naturally changed.

"It's a long road, can you go now?"

Shen Qiao nodded.

Chen Gong said "First take a horse, there will be a small town in front of the desert. When you arrive then change direction."

He was leisurely and he suddenly turned his face and refuse to recognize him. He said that the old grandfather was still in his hands, even if he refuses, he would just grab a villager as a hostage.

Shen Qiao also understood this very well, so he did not move.

"What do you want the chalcedony for?"

Chen Gong said with a smile: "I thought that you would ask me yesterday. I didn't expect you to ask now. That chalcedony has a very important use for me, but the ancient city has been abandoned for a long time. I don't know why. Naturally, if I had more strength. I wouldn't have come looking for you, but because of the one you dealt with in Wangcheng, it has made me more confident in your abilities" 

Shen Qiao no longer said more, seeing the other two horses, he said: "I can ride with him."

Chen Gong looked at him and Yan Wushi: "Does it hurt Master Yan to discover you are now useless and no one recognizes you any longer?"

Yan Wushi coldly said: "I won't mind you because I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. If you climb a high latitude, you think you are a now a person. In this position, just know that you are still nothing but an ant"

Chen Gong changed his face, but reached out to stop the action of Tuoba Liangzhe intending to take out his sword.

"The true patriarch also finds it difficult to change his rhetoric habits. I hope that the Tujue and Buddhists find out that you are still alive. Let's see if you can still say these words." 

Yan Wushi laughs: "Does Gao Wei only know how to talk? If you want to find out, why don't you come over."

Chen Gong frowned. some were amazed. Yan Wushi not only did not die, could his injury just be a small one? Were all five masters cheated by him?

Even if they knew this possibility was very small, they still felt strange.

Not to mention Chen Gong, even Murong and Tuo Liangliang, and so on, may still have doubts.

The person himself, the leader sect of the strongest demonic sect was simply standing there, enough to make everyone question themselves.

It is said that the wicked must still be wicked, and this was still the case.

Chen Gong did not waste too much time. He waved his hand and everyone was ready to go.

When everyone was on the road, dozens of horses were slowing down on the road, and the wind and sand covered up each other's voices. At this time, it became extremely difficult to speak so Shen Qiao could only eat sand.

Everyone was not willing to eat sand, so they could only bury their heads and communicate with each other only through gestures.

Shen Qiao's waist was tightly held, and his back was tightly attached to the front chest of the other behind him. Yan Wushi leaned against his ear and gently said: "Auntie, can I say something?"

As soon as he listened to this gentle tone, Shen Qiao knew that this Yan Wushi was not the "normal one".

He found that he now sighs more than ever before: "Is it Xie Ling?"

Yan Wushi was a little surprised: "How do you know my old name is Xie Ling?"

Shen Qiao: "...."


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