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Faraway Wanderers Chapter 60: Husband and Wife

Zhou Zishu couldn't figure out how these two people came here, and they gathered together to get together. Wen Kexing was spending a lot of time watching the excitement.

Liu Qianqiao was originally injured, and Huang Daoren pressed again and again. Seeing that she looked a little bit left and right and saw no escape, she was forced to retreat. Huang Daoren soared, slashed across with his knife. The old face of his flashed a little bit of fierceness, and did not look to Zhou Zishu the heroic attitude he possessed when he was kicked away by him

Sure enough, he is a knowledgeable person who is strong to the weak and weak to the strong.

Liu Qianqiao hurriedly brought up a dagger and held her head up. It was seen that her sword was several inches longer than Gu Xiang's dagger, but after all, one inch was short and dangerous, and she did not have so many tricks as Gu Xiang. She just blocked Huang Daoren's blade, and felt his murderous intention. Then the short sword broke off from the hilt, Liu Qianqiao fell into the ground and rolled away.

These two were chasing after each other, one was running wildly, like they were in a deep toxic relationship of love. Seeing that Huang Daoren chased the girl like a beast and ran away, Wen Kexing only looked at Zhou Zishu for a moment, and was interested: "That girl is in distress, don't you want to help?"

Zhou Zishu lamented that this person was so boring, so he did not even look at him in return and said, "I'm afraid you will get jealous for your husband."

Wen Kexing was silent for most of the time, and said positively, "A..xu, be serious, don't always take advantage of me."

Zhou Zishu could not help but glance at him,, wondering if the man surnamed Wen knew the word "serious"? He saw Wen Kexing's brows frown, his attitude was positive, and he was serious and honest: "It's easy for me to get vengeance, you always tease me, I will remember in the future when i have gotten you."

Zhou Zishu was dumbfounded: "You have many thoughts."

Then he followed the trail of the green demon Liu Qianqiao without thinking, and thought to himself, when the three of them were hiding in Shu in the first half of the year, something must have happened. When in Dongting, There was already a faint meaning of a kind of foreboding coming from the mountains, but at that time they left Dongting and went to Xinzhuang.

Zhou Zishu glanced at Wenxing, who was walking casually behind him, thinking, "He, as the master of Ghost Valley, couldn't see the situation at the time, so he started to play around and follow him. Ye Baiyi was gone. Wasn't he afraid that someone will get Rang Xuan and the key and obtain Rong Xuan ’s martial arts. Won't that be against him? ”

According to Zhou Zishu's observations, Liu Qianqiao and the middle-aged beautiful man Yu Qiuyu who loved holding a fan has an affair with each other. Huang Daoren was Yu Qiu's follower. Why let him chase Liu Qianqiao like this? What good is Liu Qianqiao's death for him ... or is Yu Qiu and him having problems?

Zhou Zishu's eyes flashed, thinking of the two lapis armors stolen by Gaojiazhuang-that time Shen Shen died, and in the cave ground surrounded by many masters, it was likely that there was an inner ghost. He used the name of Guigu to steal the lapis armor, and then reminiscent of Yu Qiu's only son Yu Tianjie, who died outside Zhaojiazhuang, and killed Tianjie's long tongue ghost, but there was a lapis armor ...

Zhou Zishu thought to himself that if he was a thief, would it have been something inherited from father to son?

suddenly he heard a scream and pulled his thoughts back. Zhou Zishu looked up and saw that Liu Qianqiao's arm was cut off by Huang Daoren. After taking four or five steps back, she finally couldn't hold it, and "plopped" to sit on the ground.

Huang Daoren raised the blade cheerfully and approached her step by step, and said "Why, wouldn't you give it up?"

what thing? Zhou Zishu frowned, could it be that Liu Qianqiao's and Yu Qiu's private relationship was known? Is it true that Huang Daoren felt that the lapis armor stolen by the adulterer / husband was in the hands of the adulteress / woman?

He hid in the dark and looked at Huang Daoren. He saw that his head looked like a potato, and his daring function was similar to that of a potato—even if Yu Qiu really couldn't conceal the east window incident, such an important thing, How could this be given to this woman?

If the previous inferences are true, it is clear that Yu Qiu's slippery look at the big event is not good, so he pushed the silly girl into the top cylinder, but Liu Qianqiao was still deeply affectionate, and  couldn't bite back.

At this time, Wen Kexing gave him another sting, Zhou Zishu's thoughts were interrupted again, and he gave him an impatient glance, saying, "What are you doing?"

Wen Kexing laughed and pointed to the violent incident not far away, whispering: "if you want to know so much, why not save her and ask her?"

Zhou Zishu felt that he had no good intentions, and then instinctively replied, "Why don't you save her?"

Wen Kexing said: "I can't save her. I am a beautiful and elegant person in Yushu. I can't save a woman. Otherwise, she will look at me in the future. I don't like women. Wouldn't I have failed her? husband, you can't do it ... "

Zhou Zishu felt that this man was crazy, regardless of the occasion. When he looked at his sarcastic look, it was not pleasing to the eye, so he slammed a button on his neckline and held it in his hand before hitting it. Who knows? Without waiting, Zhou Zishu suddenly looked away, grabbed Wen Kexing and flashed to the side- someone else came!

The two men flickered away, and heard a hum in the forest, Zhou Zishu's ears moved unconsciously, Wen Kexing looked funny, could not help but flick his hands but he was pinched in his wrists, and received a warning look.

Then two shining figures flashed out even under the condition of black light blindness-it was the two old couple peach red and green willow.  They stared at Huang Daoren with a mean face, and said angrily, "so you want it as well?"

He didn't know if it was because he has been mixed with Wen Kexing for a long time. This sentence suddenly caused Zhou Zishu to have a little nervousness. Then he subconsciously glanced at Wen Kexing and saw him stare at these four people strangely. With a sigh, he slightly tilted his lips, and passed his voice into the room: "It's such a romantic affair with high moon, dark wind, unique taste, and a large number of people, it's really a shame for me to be shallow ..."

Zhou Zishu froze on his wrist, Wen Kexing had to shut up. The two listened attentively to the words over there, and saw Huang Daoren grinning at the old couple without a smile, and raised his voice saying, "For this bitch, I can handle it alone. "

Green willow glanced at him coldly, and said, "You don't play tricks."

Huang Daoren said nothing, and took a step back to avoid suspicion, but the knife in his hand did not return into the sheath. Instead, he was sternly guarding them.

Red peach glanced at him alertly, looking at Liu Qianqiao like a serpent, she said, "Little girl, this old woman asks you to tell us what we want and save your self the suffering."

Spring cold is still expected, but Liu Qianqiao looked as if she was picked up from the water. Her cold sweats, her broken arm failed to stop bleeding in time. Her face was extremely pale, and her body was shaking like a leaf in the wind but still, she was looking at these three people stubbornly, gritted her teeth as much as possible to stop the trill: "If you want to kill me, then do it"

If a person like Liu Qianqiao said this, he would probably know nothing. To her, what is more important than life?

He couldn't understand the three balls, and saw Tao Hongpo sneer: "Toasting without eating and drinking!" She suddenly reached out and drew a short scream from Liu Qianqiao as  Red Peach cut her other arm off.

With no support, Liu Qianqiao had to twitch and fall to the ground, squirming and trying to sit up.

Liu Qianqiao's eyes were scattered, but her mouth still said lowly: "If you want to kill me ... just kill me..."

Huang Daoren smiled slowly and said: "Sister Taohong, if she dies like this, it would be a bad thing. I have already hit her. This is the end of her life. You still have to reduce your hand a bit ...... The woman refuses to talk, isn't there another way? "

He was insignificant in appearance, and even more indifferent when he smiled, Wen Kexing sighed vicissitudes: "After the Yangtze River pushes forward, I think he is more like a big devil than me."

Zhou Zishu finally knocked the clasp out of his hand. He didn't save his energy. This time he caught Huang Daoren off guard slicing his wrist with a knife. Huang Daoren shouted

Zhou Zishu was originally unwilling to meddle, and Liu Qianqiao was not a good person. He replayed her once, and it was already because of her easy-changing method, which may have something to do with the seniors of Sijizhuang. . But for a while, he suddenly felt that such a woman who had been foolishly waiting for a man all her life till death would die with a bit of honor, not to be humiliated by Huang Daoren

It's counted that the three people especially Huang Daoren have not seen Zhou Zishu's true face. At first glance, the three of them were stunned. Red Peach stared at him and asked, "Who are you?"

Zhou Zishu picked up the corner of his mouth and smiled, but did not answer. Suddenly, he picked up Liu Qianqiao's short sword. Huang Daoren only felt that the figure in front of him was dangerous. Flashing in front of him, subconsciously, his throat went cold, and Huang Daoren bowed his head in disbelief-he was slashed on his neck!

My neck was slit. This was the last thought of Huang Daoren, and the blood on his neck spurted several feet, as he twitched and fell suddenly, becoming a dead Huang Daoren.

Zhou Zishu gently touched his toes, half-turned, and the dagger was still dripping blood in his hands. His long hair was only tied with a piece of cloth tape. At this moment, a few strands of long hair fell down, swinging near his cheek. In the morning light, there was a very pale and handsome face, as if with a little smile, looking at the red Peach and green willow.

Tao Hongpo and Lu Liugong couldn't help but take a step backward.

Zhou Zishu's feet slowly walked towards them, the blood dripped along the tip of the short sword to his hand, and fell along his fingers.

At that moment, the pressure from the young man almost exhausted the peach red and green willow, and the peach red woman roared and slammed her cane towards Zhou Zishu, who seemed to be out of sight in a blink of an eye. Tao Hongpo suddenly felt a crisis. She barely lifted her breath, rolled forward, when at the same time, behind her was a cold, strong attack, Tao Hongpo's eyes turned black, and she blew a lot of blood-she felt her own internal organs shatter.

Lu Liugong's eyes widened, looking at his wife who was unconscious, he looked at the young man. Without hesitation, he left his wife and ran away.

Zhou Zishu did not chase him, but lowered his eyes, lowered his short sword, and knelt beside Liu Qianqiao, reaching out to seal the acupuncture point near her **** wound, but Liu Qianqiao looked up at him with extreme amplitude. She shook her head gently—she was going to die, she knew in her heart.

Wen Kexing also came out of his hiding place and stood silently behind Zhou Zishu.

Zhou Zishu asked softly, "it was actually Yu Qiu who stole the Lapis armor. He ran away and asked you to lead them away, didn't he?"

Liu Qianqiao just glanced at him without saying a word.

Zhou Zishu sighed, "I don't have much interest in him. You are going to die. Why is it hard to talk?"

Wen Kexing chuckled and said behind him, " Liu, I could have told you that Yu Qiu is not a good person."

Liu Qianqiao opened her mouth, her voice was very faint, Zhou Zishu had to lean her ears slightly, only to hear her say: "Ping ... Pingjiang ... Liu Seqing, Huayue Yaoxiang ... Keep. Year after year, Every time, every time ... "

Then a little light disappeared in her eyes, her head was crooked, and her mouth smiled softly, which softened her half-cheeked face. She hid herself because of this flawed face Throughout her life, she was destined to come and go like this.

It was just that he didn't finish reading "Sheng Chazi" for a long time.

Zhou Zishu sighed, reached out and closed her eyes gently.

The two listened only to an old, hoarse laughter behind them. The peach-red woman fled fast. She was seriously injured by Zhou Zishu's wind, and was not dead. She was hemoptysis while pointing at Liu Qianqiao and laughing: " Husband and wife ... They are the same birds but when disaster comes they both fly their separate ways ... not to mention that she and that surname Yu had no real relationship, haha ​​... Since ancient times, women have been infatuated with love, men are lucky, she ... can't even understand how it is unjust to die like that, unjust! "

Zhou Zishu glanced back at her. He didn't care about her, just got up and strode back.

Wen Kexing and Zishu walked one after the other without knowing how far they had gone before they suddenly said, "Your kung fu seems to be a lot higher than when I first saw you ... what happened?"

Zhou Zishu stopped and looked back, Wen Kexing's face was rarely solemn.

Zhou Zishu smiled, pointed to his chest and said, "Before I met you, it sealed half of my internal force."

"now what?"

"Now it's back to 80% of my heyday."

Wen Kexing didn't seem very happy when he heard the words. He just stared at him silently. Zhou Zishu turned his head and continued to walk forward. He said indifferently, "Before my death, I will come back to my full strength. . "

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