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Faraway Wanderers Chapter 51: Old things

"At that time, Rong Xuan and I, as well as several other people, were all still young. We had the same thoughts and had formed a very tight friendship. We often talked and drank together. Rong Xuan was the one with the highest kung fu and was wiser than everyone in our day. One day, Rong Xuan suddenly burst out with emotion, saying that if a man was born in the world, wouldn't it be regretful if he hadn't accomplished greatness and only spent his entire life in obscurity? "

Long Que spoke very slowly, and paused in mid sentence. No one knew if it was because he waa physically exhausted, or those memories happened so long ago that he needed to remember it carefully. Ye Baiyi didn't see anything on his face, but Wen Kexing unusually stopped and listened carefully.

"Rong Xuan said that martial arts methods are extensive and profound, and that the martial arts of the major schools have their own strengths and weaknesses. Every few hundred or so years, there are heros of the martial arts world who are born and become grand masters. This was the case with Cangshan, but their successors are often weak, and follow the stereotyped imitation of the predecessors. Sticking to the old without moving forward. The next  generation is not as good as the old, there will be a decline of the sects, and ultimately, there will be death. The major factions would loose out and bIn the long run, so many magical skills will become lost so Rong Xuan feels that the martial arts thing is stupid ... ”

When he heard this, Ye Baiyi couldn't help but sneer: "These words were originally said by me, but the kid was copied what I said. All these people who claim to be from martial schools still think they are pretty good, but they are all Rice buckets. Copying from others. what is the difference between them and monkeys trained as juggling entertainers? As for extinction, wasn't it also written by people, cracking their heads to compete for a cheat book written by others, It ’s like they have no brains ”

Zhou Zishu couldn't help but smile slightly. Ye Baiyi glared at him immediately and said, "What are you laughing at? You were also taught by Qin Huaizhang that incompetent thing."

Long Que heard him. He remained silent for a long while, and said, "This predecessor is indeed a strange man."

Then he went on to say: "So he came up with an idea, and a few of us privately agreed to steal their various martial arts from the schools, put them together, build an arsenal, and integrate them, to create a masterpiece. I made the arsenal's organ, which is now the legendary Lapis armor. After opening, we needed a key. The Lapis armor was kept by us separately, and the key was kept by Mrs. Rong ... "

Ye Baiyi interrupted him again: "Gathering the strengths of all the families? There is nothing in this world that can manage that. Can King Kong Palm and Eyebrows fit together? Can a man be stuffed into the skirt of a little girl? -if you can really understand the true essence of martial arts,. you can even gain inspiration from flying leaves, and water that flows flows. Even if you steal every book in the world, it is just a copy. "

Long que bird was silent, but sighed long.

Among them, Zhou Zishu understands that others have no idea about it. Whether it is stealing other people ’s secret books or leaking their skills to outsiders, it is a taboo in the martial world. As soon as he heard it, he understood the reason why Zhao jing was expelled from the sect so, he couldn't help but ask: "The few people you said were the rising stars in the five major families of the year, where they known as Zhao Jing, Gao Chong and Shen  Zhen's generation?"

——No wonder Zhao Jing kept silent about the lapis Arlo  and was vague about it till the end.

Long Que nodded and smiled bleakly: "Yes, ridiculously, we thought we were the first to break the boundaries of all martial arts-and Rong Xuan took out the Six harmonies Cultivation mantra."

The eyes of several other people concentrated on Ye Baiyi involuntarily. Zhou Zishu couldn't help but ask, "Senior, what is the six harmonies Cultivation mantra?"

Ye Baiyi frowned, and said without being rude: "The legend of Liuhe Xinfa is an ancient thing. The real Liuhe Xinfa has actually been lost for a long time, but one of my friends ... accidentally got its remnants, and it took twenty years... I completed a copy myself, divided it into two volumes, and one of the volumes was stolen by Rong Xuan. The first volume was left on Changming Mountain that year and was destroyed by us ... "

Zhou Zishu immediately got two messages from his words. One is Ye Baiyi wasn't the only one on the Changming Mountain, and the other is there was a man who dared to complete the ancient things. Such a person would definitely be an expert. He recalled when Ye BaiYi said, "When did I say that I was the ancient monk?" Could it be that this friend of his is the real ancient monk in Changming Mountain?

So Ye Baiyi went down the mountain alone using the name of yhe ancient monk, because the real ancient monk could not move, or ... was no longer alive?

These thoughts flickered in his mind for a moment. He removed the thoughts and only listened to Long Que as he continued: "We all read that half of the ancient book. The content was too high and profound. No one could understand. During that time, everyone were all sleepless and often forgot to eat. We hungrily searched in vast books, hoping to find a little clue to explain the mind. its attraction was too great. Rong Xuan said that if we could understand the Six Harmonies Cultivation mantra, we would have true knowledge of the harmony of man and nature. "

It is a realm of ancient legends. Everyone was pursuing that realm fighting to be the best. No one could resist the temptation.

However, there has never been a so-called shortcut. For example, Tiancaidibao will always grow in the most dangerous places. The more something that can make people stronger, the harsher the test of people's minds will be, and the more profound martial arts will be, the easier it is to suffer a qi deviation.

Ye Baiyi was silent this time.

"Rong Xuan went the farthest and was the most deeply obsessed among us. He was almost obsessed with that mentality, but none of us noticed that because we were all obsessed at that time-until one day, he said he finally learned that the original intent of the so-called Liuhe Xinfa is to die and be reborn"

Ye Baiyi shuddered and murmured, "What ..."

Long Que's hand was shaking, and his whole body was shaking: "Liuhe Xinfa said," Go to the extreme in other to grasp true knowledge "What did it mean to go extreme? It could be self destroying one's own martial arts, breaking one's own meridian, It could even be ending your own life ..."

A weird look appeared on Ye Baiyi's face, as he asked, "Did you all think the same?"

Long Que just nodded and Ye Baiyi suddenly burst into laughter. When he laughed, his face was stiff, and the corners of his eyes could not be squeezed into a smile, but instead it twitched unnaturally. : "Ridding yourself of martial arts, severing your own meridian, ending your ... Haha, you really came up with something."

Long Que said, "At that time, we were all crazy. Everyone became more and more irritable, especially Rong Xuan. He said that if you want to be first, we have to struggle for it and dare to follow the path that others dare not think of ... At that time, Yu Zhuan was already pregnant. Although I was affected by the demon book, it did not reach the point that I would leave my wife and son, so I quit first. It was dangerous and they asked me to just support them. "

He took a deep breath: "They chose the hour, and they sat in a circle. If they didn't succeed, then it was their luck, but at that time, except Rong Xuan, everyone else retreated."

Ye Baiyi said coldly: "People often practice martial arts for status, ambition, and wealth. It is not worth taking such a big risk, but only Rong Xuan is a true martial artist. There is nothing unexpected about this?"

Long Que nodded and said: "He stopped his heart and died with a smile on his face. We didn't dare to go out and waited for a long time before we realized that he was wrong ... He didn't wake up. Although Mrs. Rong wasn't a martial artist, but she came from the Valley of Divine Medicine, which heals countless living people. Naturally, she was unwilling believe her husband died, so she calmed down and took out Eighteen silver needles which were inserted into Rongxuan ’s chest. For three hours, he became a little warmth in his chest but he had a weak breath. We all thought he was alive, but he couldn’t wake up. clearly just a living dead. "

"Mrs. Rong cried for three days, until she finally decided to return to the Valley of Divine Medicine and steal the yin and yang book. She was not a martial artist. This trip was dangerous, so I went with her. After thinking about it, it was still I who brought the thing into this world."

Wen Kexing suddenly looked at Zhou Zishu, pursed his lips, interrupted Long Que for the first time, and asked, "Well ... the yin and yang book, can it really save those who have broken meridians?"

Zhou Zishu heard this, and when he looked up, he met his gaze, and suddenly felt his chest was hot-even the great Shaman of South Xinjiang shook his head and said he was wounded to death, but someone still remembered for him. Why was this necessary? They were just two strangers who happened to cross... Is this person really sincere?

Once again, he couldn't help looking away, only to feel that Wen Kexing's sight fell on him, as if he had weight and temperature.

Long Que sneered: "A medical book is really a sacred thing. What is the Valley of Divine Medicine? What is the so-called Yin-Yang Book? To repair a person's heart, you need to exchange a living heart that has just been pulled out of someone else ... What kind of sacred thing is it? "

Zhou Zishu asked: "Mrs. Rong really ..."

Long Que was silent for a long time, then sighed: "It is natural to be close to those we know and to be distant to strangers. she was not a saint, but a woman who had betrayed her family for the sake of her husband. It is not in our place as outsiders to judge her"

"Rong Xuan came back to life." Ye Baiyi said.

"Yes," said Long Que, "not only did he live, but his mind was really so strange. When he woke up, his body was so full power. However, he didn't even have the opportunity to let Mrs. Rong lean on his shoulders and cry for a while, he just directly went into seclusion to complete the first half of that book "

Ye Baiyi commented: "little beast."

Long Que continued: "I didn’t know much about what happened afterwards. My wife went into labor. I had stayed with her. She was extremely in danger during her delivery. The doctor reluctantly pulled their mother and son back from death. Her body was hollowed out, and I stayed with her for half a year, until finally the doctor couldn’t save her... "

He said, tears fell from the corner of his eyes, and he slowly shook his head, saying, "I was discouraged, and a friend accompanied me to go back to see them, but I was shocked by what I saw. I happened to meet Mrs. Rong, who was seriously injured and was dying. She had Rong Xuan's sword in her chest. Both hands were bloody. He looked stupid as if he came back from madness as he stared at her. My friend was impulsive and attacked him with his sword. I wanted to stop him but fortunately, Rong Xuan shook his heart and ran away. At that time, the lapis armor had disappeared, and Mrs. Rong was dying. The key to that arsenal was handed to my friend, and we took a poisonous oath. In this life we ​​will never reveal a word, so that no one can open the arsenal. "

His words fell, and a few of them were speechless. For a long time, Zhou Zishu asked: "Did Rong Xuan go crazy later was chased into Ghost Valley and besieged to death?"

Long Que sighed, and said, "I had already returned to Xinzhuang at that time, and don't ask about the world again but, that must have been what happened."

"A well deserved death." Ye Baiyi closed his eyes, and clenched his arms tightly against the white sword's hilt. The green tendons on the back of his hands burst out. The hilt was actually squeezed into a powder by him, and the blade scratched him. The palm of his hand fell to the ground Ye Baiyi seemed to be unaware, but repeated it again and again, "A well deserved death"

After saying that, he didn't say a word of greeting, turned around and left, but he shook for a few moments before he disappeared.

Zhang Chengling heard everything from start to finish. They were both silent, so he couldn't help but ask boldly, "Old man, what will you do?"

Long Que pondered for a long while, groping for Zhou Zishu's clothes, as he whispered: "Young man, do something good, take your sword, and give me a good death, Long Xiao would not let me die, now that he has also gone to see the king of hell, I want to go down as well and settle accounts with him! "

Before Zhou Zishu had time to speak, Wen Kexing stepped forward, bent down, carefully supported Long Que's body, stretched out his palm, and reached his chest. It was rare for him to respectful to say, "I can shatter your meridian in an instant. Senior, you think about it carefully "

Lonely laughed: "Okay, okay, you are doing good deeds, do it ..."

His words hardly fell, when Wen Kexing softly put his fingers there, and suddenly the man laughed, his whole body twitched, and that smile remained on his face forever.

Zhang Chengling couldn't believe it, and said bluntly, "Old man ..."

Wen Kexing reached out and closed Long Que's eyes, and laid him flat. He touched Zhang Chengling's head and said, "Don't humiliate him any more. He is a hero, and he deserves to die a hero."

He paused and comforted Zhou Zishu: "I want to stay for a while and see him off."

Zhou Zishu stood up, holding on to the bed pillar, and said, "Okay."

Then he went out and Wen Kexing stopped him: "A...xu, stay here with  me to heal your wounds."

Zhou Zishu said with a smile: "Is this a good one, is that a good one? Since it is inevitable, I still have plenty good time to eat, drink and play ..."

Wen Kexing bowed his head and whispered softly, "Then ... you should stay here with me for a few days?"

Zhou Zishu paused, and remained silent for a while, before he said: "Okay."


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