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Faraway Wanderers Chapter 43: Rescue mission

Gu Xiang appeared at the door in such a big way, and she looked fearless, but then she saw the tragic situation of Cao Weining, and immediately raised an unknown fire in her heart. She sneer: "I also think that you famous orthodox sect can't beat someone alone so you come against them in a pack. Zhang Chengling, come out here, and tell them, where did I hijack you? ”

Everyone saw a shrinking young man behind her. He was a bit embarrassed.  Feng Xiaofeng and others were so fierce that he couldn't help but wince. Zhang Chengling stepped up to Gu Xiang and said softly, "Sister Gu Xiang never hijacked me, I followed them willingly."

Liu Lugong said angrily: " bullshit, little Zhang, how old are you that you already can be decieved in the face of beauty? How can you be blinded by this demon?"

As soon as Feng Xiaofeng saw that Gu Xiang's eyes were red, he took out a large knife and pointed it at her: "Wretched girl, leave me your eyes!"

Gu Xiang took three steps back sideways, avoiding the blade that stretched at her, flew over the beam, and condescendingly said: "Feng Dwarf, that stupid big man has followed you for eight lives. I was actually kind and soft, by only hurting his eyes, if you run into someone else, they will have his life, not to mention that they know it will affect you hmph... "

Her last snort was a little lacking in breath, and the girl's body was writhing on the beam of the house in a panic, while avoiding the siege of a group of people, she secretly focused and approached Cao Weining.

Then Fang also flew up onto the beam, intercepted Gu Xiang, and attacked her. Gu Xiang, jumped on the other beam, and stretched out like a monkey. Her body made a beautiful spin in the air, as if something was thrown out of his hands, and she mouth said, "Here!"

Fang paused. Who knew what poisonous hidden weapon was in the hands of the little demon girl of unknown origin, they snarled and took a big step back, but there was nothing. He looked again but Gu Xiang has already shook him off and laughed without looking back: "Ugly monster, i scared you!"

Mo Huaikong dropped Cao Weining, who was frightened, and watched indifferently. He thought that his idiot brother had suffered a disaster. The little girl had obviously gotten away, but she still came back to save him. It was also a kind and righteous thing, which is a little bit difficult to understand.

He glanced at Cao Weining's stupid look. He was shaking left and right as if he couldn't wait to help Gu Xiang. He squeaked his lips, and he found it difficult to understand him. Anyway, some people were willing to marry a Hedong lion in the future just to suffer.

Just as it happened, Tao Hongliu Lu scrambled up and left Gu Xiang in the middle. Gu Xiang lifted her leg and a small dagger popped out and aimed at Liu Lugong's forehead. That Liu Lugong still had some skills, so he did not dodge and attacked with her canr for a while, Gu Xiang only felt a strong wind hit, knowing that she was out of reach, quickly shrinking her legs, but she wasn't fast enough the tip of the dagger was broken.

Gu Xiang immediately turned around and wanted to re-execute the trick. But Tao Hongpo had touched her from behind.

Gu Xiang anxiously shouted, "I'm going to die yet you guys are still watching the fun!"

They heard a chuckle, then Tao Hongpo felt a strong wind hitting her. It heart squarely, she had no time to hide and her whole person was thrown aside. She stuck to the beam like a giant gecko and Gu Xiang took the opportunity to jump down from the beam. Everyone found out that what almost scared Taohong In fact was a walnut shell ... still half .

Then there was a sound of "chewing" walnuts at the door. He saw a handsome man holding a small packet of walnuts in his hand. He crushed with hand and the walnut shell burst open. Then he threw the walnut kernel into his mouth. Eating with relish, he was followed by a man who was even more sorry lookng. the two of them looked like the image of a mother-in-law, and their blushing eyes were swollen.

The person holding the walnut was still polite and said to the person next to him, "Aren't you going to eat?"

The man next to him leaned back as if he were hiding with a look of disgust: "Take this thing further away from me"

The man who took the walnut laughed, "Yeah, dignified ... would you even be afraid of eating walnuts? Fool, this is a good thing. Eating walnuts helps you become more clever."

The man next to him stepped forward, stretched his arms around Zhang Chengling's shoulders, and said  "The same is true for the pig brain."

Yu Qiu frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

They saw the man who embraced Zhang Chengling pushed the boy forward, and whisper in his ear: "I don't see him pleasing to the eye, why don't you give it a shot."

Zhang Chengling looked at him stupidly: "Master ... I ..."

"What are you? They bullied your sister Gu Xiang, and you just watched. Are you a man?"

Zhang Chengling stretched out a finger and pointed at Qiu Ling, and at a loss pointed to himself: "This ... that ..."

The weirdo couldn't get used to the look of his stupid face, and stretched out a kick to his ass, Zhang Chengling took two steps and almost flung into Qiu's arms.

Yu Qiuxi was overjoyed, and he softened his voice and said to Zhang Chengling, "Child of the Zhang family, come to me."

Zhang Chengling still had a pair of perplexed eyes, almost like a bunny who couldn't find his home, and the man holding the walnut chuckled, "You're too cruel."

The man next to him said calmly: "When the young eagle grows up, he will be taken out of the nest by the eagle, This is for his good."

Zhang Chengling, who was regarded as an eagle, took a step back timidly, almost looking at Yu Qiuyu like he was an old pervert who catches yiung children. Feng Xiaofeng was not as polite as the head of Huashan, and he thought to himself that it seemed that the little thing named Zhang was with them. It would be good to catch him, no matter who he is. Just don't kill him.

Then he went out and reached for Zhang Chengling.

Zhang Chengling turned around and ran with fear, yelling, "Master, he wants to catch me!"

The person holding the walnut laughed, and touched the person next to him with his toe: "I said, your little eagle has blown hair."

"The mud doesn't get on the wall." The man whispered, and suddenly gave a slap through the air. Zhang Chengling felt a strong surge in the air, as if someone had pushed him hard and blocked his steps. Then he just felt like a marionette with his arms raised as he rushed towards Feng Xiaofeng, Zhang Chengling closed his eyes in fright, shook his fist subconsciously, and his fist was directed to the middle of Fengfeng's nose.

Shocking the dwarf, Zhang Chengling opened his eyes and looked at his fist with dizziness, unable to believe it. Master's voice sounded in his ear, cursing: "Stupid, what's are you doing? kick him in the middle point!"

Zhang Chengling did it subconsciously, only to feel that the power hadn't dissipated, as if it had been imbued on his limbs, pushed him forward, and actually threw the Feng Xiaofeng out.

Yu Qiuhao exclaimed, "Who are you?"

The weirdo didn't speak, and took a slap behind Zhang Chengling, Zhang Chengling yelled and slammed at Yu Qiuyu, Yu Qiuyu's gaze was fixed, and he pulled out a sword. Seeing that Zhang Chengling was about to hit his sword, he scared the young boy who involuntarily ran forward, while shouting: "Master save me!"

The voice in his ear said again: "His sword tip is trembling, he must have no moves, step back to Jiu Gong and hit his elbow."

Zhang Chengling heard that and thought it made sense. He couldn't help but take a step forward diagonally, and turn to the edge of Qiu's sword. Yu Qiu immediately trembled with his sword. His leg took another step forward, his posture was awkward, and it was weird and cumbersome, but somehow, he escaped the sword of Yu Qiuyu. Then he obeyed Master ’s instructions to "take his elbow", and then closed his eyes. He gnashed his teeth and bumped into it.

It was Wen Kexing who whacked the walnuts. At the sight of this scene, it was almost unbearable. The original Zhou Zishu taught Zhang Chengling  the Liuyun Jiugongbu which is one of the best skills. Immortals like it too. It was Chic and beautiful, Wen Kexing knew for the first time that someone could use this Liuyun Jiugong step like a bear dancing.

On the one hand, Zhou Zishu frowned, and found that although the child was awkward, he did not take the wrong step under his feet. He knew that Zhang Chengling was serious and learned the tactics. After going back, the same steps were taken thousands of times, so that he became so nervous, but his feet were not chaotic.

Yu Qiuqiang was very hurt when he met Wen Kexing on that day. At this moment, Zhang Chengling was hard-hearted, and the weapon he put on in his hand was immediately released. He was furious and said, "Don't let them run away!"

When the crowd heard the words, they immediately surrounded them. This was not what Zhang Chengling could handle. Wen Kexing stuffed the remaining half of a walnut into Zhou Zishu's hand said, "Hold this for me. Grandpa will teach this group of grandchildren!" Then burst into the crowd with a big laughter

Zhou Zishu always felt that walnuts were very disgusting, and the taste was also disgusting. They looked like human brains. He pinched with **** in disgust, and stretched him arms to keep it far away from himself, while continuing to guide Zhang Chengling, watching with excitement.

Gu Xiang took the opportunity to approach Cao Weining, kicked a person who tried to stop her, and stared at Mo Huaikong fiercely with a face that said I don't care who you are. Don't dare to stop me.

She hadn't come near, when suddenly  Mo Huaikong shouted "Ouch" and bent down, his face seemed very pained as he, pointed at the inexplicable Gu Xiang gasping out of breath: "This … This little demon girl is so strong… I am no match for her! ”

Then he sat on the ground with a stunned expression and closed his eyes tightly.

Gu Xiang and Cao Weining looked at each other, neither of them reacted.

Mo Huaikong, who closed his eyes, suddenly opened one eye and swept towards them, whispering: "Not running anymore, are you stupid?"

Gu Xiang immediately extracted her dagger, cut the rope on Cao Weining's body, and Cao Weining jumped down, lowering his voice "Thank you, brother."

Gu Xiang followed and said, "Brother, you are so good. I will definitely set up a memorial stone for you when you go back!"

"Your mother, you will set up a memorial stone for. It's your whole family you will set up a memorial stone for!" Mo Huaikong pretended to close his eyes, but at the same time he was scolding himself in his heart, as he found that the little girl Gu Xiang was so unruly, she could drive people crazy.

Seeing that Gu Xiang and Cao Weining had run away, Zhou Zishu suddenly swayed over, picked up Zhang Chengling's neck, and threw him like a mallet. Zhang Chengling's legs were smashed by him. the zodiac was smashed back a dozen steps. Zhou Zi Shu shoved the bag of walnuts into Zhang Chengling's arms, and said to Wen Kexing "You don't want to leave?"

Wen Kexing "haha" smiled and flew forward, saying: "The green mountains will not change, the green water will flow forever, everyone, we shall meet again!"

Later, Wen Kexing walked side by side with Zhou Zishu, who was holding Zhang Chengling. The two men's meritorious deeds came out with all their energies. others couldn't keep up as they disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The three of them ran a long distance before they stopped. Zhou Zishu lowered Zhang Chengling, took off his human skin mask, removed his entire jacket, and lowered his head, but saw Zhang Chengling's eyes looking at him brilliantly, as if he was a pet begging for affection. He paused in his hand. His previous tradition was that the younger brother had to be punished if he had something wrong, so that he could remember. He didn't complement him either so that he wouldn't be proud and complacent, but seeing the child's expectation, his heart was softened. After a while, I thought about it and just said, "It's okay you did well"

Zhang Chengling just blossomed only for Zhou Zishu to turn his face immediately and scold him "Don't you have pride, look at your courage. When you encounter something,  don't you know that crying is shameful."

Zhang Chengling fell down again, but suddenly his back was covered with a warm hand, and saw Wen Kexing smiled and said to him: "Don't listen to him, his little face is as thin as paper. It's easier for him to be shy if he takes off his mask. ... "

Before he finished speaking, he saw Zhou Zishu turned back with a smile, saying quietly, "Lao Wen, what are you talking about?"

Wen Kexing reconverted from kindness: "I said that you are almost unpredictable and thunderous, your skin is not thin at all, you are not ashamed, and your fear nothing."

Zhou Zishu suddenly stretched out a hand to hold his cheek, Wen Kexing was surprised, Zhou Zishu didn't say a word, but leaned very close, and stared at him deeply without blinking.

Zhang Chengling looked from one to the other. He didn't know what the two of them were doing. Zhou Zishu released Wen Kexing with a smile, and his fingertips popped on his earlobe, as he laughed: "Your ears are red."

Wen Kexing took a firm step forward swinging his hands and feet.

Zhou Zishu laughed but suddenly his laughter ceased. Zhang Chengling and Wen Kexing looked up tracing his line of his gaze, and saw a man in white looking blankly at them, standing not far away.


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