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Showing posts from July, 2020

Scum Villain's self saving system Chapter 60

Ah, that’s right! After all, at the end of the day, a master is not obligated to help his disciple quench his fire. Even if he was the one who accidentally rubbed against it and stoked the fire, it’s all the same!!! Shen Qingqiu pushed Luo Binghe up abruptly, placed a palm on his chest, and sent in a few waves of spiritual energy. Although it didn’t amount to much, it was all he could afford to give. Everything else can be ignored! Ignored! Exiting the stone sarcophagus and following Dream Demon’s directions, he dragged and pulled Luo Binghe all the way to “The East End.” After a while, the walls of the tomb gradually grew damp, the soles of his feet became slippery, and the moss was thicker. It was not easy to keep steady. Shen Qingqiu slowed down to avoid slipping. As they continued, weeds and wildflowers bloomed among the moss as the tomb gradually widened. Trees of varied heights rose on both sides. Not only was the ground slippery, but the gnarled and twisted old tree roots also t

Scum Villain's self saving system Chapter 59

After a pause, he continued, “Those two people from just then aren’t easy to deal with. Even if Shizun doesn’t want to stay at my place, I still hope that you will not go with them.” It sounded as if this wasn’t the first time Luo Binghe had run into the two of them. Shen Qingqiu said, “Have you met them before?”  Luo Binghe said indifferently, “I’ve met that snake at Nan Jiang before. We exchanged a few blows and I almost lost. I’ve never seen the other one before, but I cannot defeat him.” Zhuzhi-Lang was born in Nan Jiang, so if someone ran around over there, they would naturally have to be a little more diligent. Tianlang-Jun also said before that the original purpose of the plague at Jinlan City was to resolve the food shortage at Nan Jiang. It was to be expected that Luo Binghe got in a few fights with Zhuzhi-Lang at Nan Jiang. But Zhuzhi-Lang didn’t seem to have told Luo Binghe what his identity was and didn’t treat Luo Binghe as his young master. It didn’t look like Tianlang-Ju

Scum Villain's self saving system Chapter 58

At first glance, the great beast appeared to be some sort of rhinoceros, a single horn curved like the crescent moon atop its head. But, opening its mouth and trumpeting, it spat out a giant scarlet python from its blood-red maw. The rhinoceros’ call mingled with the snake’s hissing cry, creating an especially shocking clamor. Really? Black! Moon! Rhinoceros! Python! Black + Moon + Rhinoceros + Python. Turns out the Black Moon Rhinoceros Python was really just the simple combination of these four elements. Great God Airplane Shooting Toward the Sky, your naming style is as dependable as always! Zhuzhi-Lang diligently moved to stand in front of Tianlang-Jun, conveniently covering Shen Qingqiu as well. Upon seeing Luo Binghe, Shen Qingqiu had subconsciously moved closer to Zhuzhi-Lang’s back. It wasn’t that he was still fleeing Luo Binghe at every opportunity, but that he had a guilty conscience and no face to see him. He didn’t dare think what sort of mood Luo Binghe would be in after s

Scum Villain's self saving system Chapter 57

Shen Qingqiu raised his head. It was as if two bright yellow lanterns had appeared outside the palace hall, the pair of piercing golden eyes staring wide-eyed at the scene. In the middle of each eye was a vertical pupil, which appeared to be unusually sinister. The crowd of blind corpses, upon hearing this sound, seemed to be intimidated by some invisible force. They no longer resumed with their tearing and pouncing; instead, they withdrew into themselves, lowering their heads and shrinking back their shoulders. Eventually, they retreated into a tight huddle, trembling. That  pair of large lantern-like eyes stared straight at Shen Qingqiu for a moment, until they suddenly looked away. After a while, a figure emerged outside of the palace hall. Shen Qingqiu, identifying the new visitor, wasn’t surprised. He called out pleasantly, “Xizhi-Lang.” Zhuzhi-Lang slipped mid-step . He rubbed his nose. Although he was depressed, he wasn’t one to be rude. Smiling, he said, “Since Master Shen is w

Scum Villain's self saving system Chapter 56

Luo Binghe withstood it completely without making a single sound. “…” Honestly speaking, Shen Qingqiu didn’t think that he would actually hit him. But that didn’t stop him from punching him extremely hard as if he was slamming all the suppressed anger from these past few days with it. Suddenly, the System beeped and announced: 【 ★,° :.☆\( ̄▽ ̄)/$: .°★ 。Congratulations~ Cool points +500!】 Shen Qingqiu: “…” Luo Binghe truly… fully deserved to be called a masochist! If he wasn’t being abused, he wasn’t happy. Hitting him one time actually gave 500 cool points, and the System’s announcement even changed into flashy, youthful emoticons. It also used a tilde (~) for the first time ever. In all his years of living, he had never seen something so bizarre, especially since this bizarre thing was raised by him! Shen Qingqiu was just lamenting over the failed results of his teaching method when Luo Binghe stopped playing along with him. With a push of his right hand, Shen Qingqiu accidentally relea